Pain in the sternum

The pains in the sternum differ in intensity, duration, periodicity. They are diverse and can be manifested by burning, cuttings; there are piercing, aching pains in the thigh, there are pains arising at a certain position of the trunk.

If the chest pain occurs during inhalation, exhalation, movement or coughing, then it indicates the presence of pleura or problems in the near-cardiac region. The pain is dull or acute, which can often be felt in the left or right side.

The main causes of pain in the sternum during inspiration are:

Sore throat with cough

Severe pain in the sternum with cough and with inspiration is mainly characterized by the same reasons. Also, they include osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, infectious diseases, for example, influenza or ARVI, which are accompanied by a cough. If there is a feeling of scratching, then this indicates a possible tracheitis.

Lung cancer and pneumothorax also cause cough of varying degrees of pain. If there is a cough that gradually turns into a wet cough, then the first signs of pneumonia appear.

Also, the pain in the sternum when coughing is a sign of pleurisy. This disease is characterized by increasing pains with tilts to the side, which is opposite to the inflamed side. If a person is sick with dry pleurisy, then cough and pain become stronger when lying down.

Pain in the sternum when swallowing

Often doctors hear complaints of pain while swallowing. This symptom is accompanied by a huge number of diseases and pathologies. Therefore, if there is pain in the sternum when swallowing should be carefully monitored and conduct differential diagnosis.

Pain in the sternum when swallowing can indicate the presence of a disease of the esophagus. Often, such pain is felt behind the sternum and gives in the right or left side of the sternum, as well as in the back. Often the pain occurs if the esophagus is damaged, there are neuromuscular diseases, tumors.

Pain in the sternum is sharp, aching, pressing. A sharp pain occurs after eating with physical overstrain or straining the ligaments of the peritoneum.

Aching pain in the sternum is of a permanent, non-intensive nature, which you can get used to eventually. Usually aching pain occurs with serious diseases of the mammary glands, chest organs or depression.

The feeling of pressing pain in the sternum can speak about a variety of diseases, so if there was such a pain, without delay, the doctor's help is needed to establish the cause.

Most often, they include diseases of the esophagus, trachea, aorta, or heart. Pressing pain in the sternum can be the first sign of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, infarction, tracheitis, bronchitis. The last two diseases are accompanied by a fairly frequent and prolonged cough.

It is better not to start independent treatment of pain in the sternum, because you can damage your body more.