Monitor backlight

Often, home PC users face such a problem: the monitor's backlight suddenly disappears. Of course, the best way out of this situation is to contact the service center, where professionals quickly and efficiently fix the malfunction. But many want to deal with this issue on their own. Let's consider the main reasons for such a breakdown and the specifics of their elimination.

Why change the monitor backlight?

LCD monitors and panels use CCFL lamps. They are similar to ordinary fluorescent lamps, only here are the so-called cold cathodes. And, like any lamp, they have the property of periodically blowing out. The reasons for this are their wear and tear, mechanical damage, short circuits, and in some cases - improper quality of the materials from which the lamps are made. This can happen with any 17, 19 or 22 inch monitor lights.

The monitor backlight does not burn out at the same time. Usually this is preceded by a change in the background towards red-pink shades. This is a sign that one light bulb has already burnt out, and soon others will follow it. Modern monitors usually use 2 units of 2 lamps each. When replacing lamps, you need to know their exact dimensions, and also to monitor the conformity of the types of connectors.

By the way, some users, who are well versed in the technology, install instead of the backlight lamps of the LED tape monitor. It is not difficult to do this, however, such a replacement is advisable only if you have an old, morally obsolete monitor or a laptop on hand. In addition, a technically literate person can replace a monitor backlight with its equivalent, in the role of which resistors or capacitors act.