Goldenrod ordinary - medicinal properties

Goldenrod ordinary in the people is also called the golden rod. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is used in the recipes of traditional medicine. If desired, you can independently engage in harvesting plants and do it best during the flowering period. It is best to buy an already prepared goldenrod in the pharmacy.

The healing properties of the goldenrod

To begin with, consider the chemical composition, which contains saponins, organic acids, coumarins and other biologically active substances.

Application of the goldenrod:

  1. This plant possesses wound healing, spasmolytic, expectorant and immunostimulating action. Effectively, he copes with influenza and herpes viruses.
  2. Preparations prepared on the basis of this plant promote the normalization of water-salt metabolism and have a favorable effect on the acid-base balance.
  3. German experts recommend the use of a plant for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the urinary tract.
  4. The rich composition of the plant causes bacteriostatic and antiseptic effects on certain pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. In folk medicine, the goldenrod is used externally for washing and applying compresses to cure purulent wounds, furunculosis and other injuries.
  6. Due to diuretic action it is recommended to use the plant for chronic kidney disease, as well as for cystitis and urolithiasis.
  7. It is useful for a plant with weakened capillaries and problems with metabolism .
  8. Rinsing with a plant-based solution is effective in stomatitis, angina and gingival inflammation.

The healing properties of honey from the goldenrod

Honey collected from this plant has more pronounced healing properties, because when processed by bees, it is additionally enriched with useful enzymes. This sweetness is recommended in the treatment of kidneys, bladder and with problems with urination. Honey is useful for problems with the digestive system and the liver. With regular use, this product will be effective in treating ulcers and colitis, as well as with local diseases. It is recommended to take honey to strengthen the protective functions of the body, as well as to normalize the work of the nervous system, which allows better cope with stress, insomnia and depression.