Buzina - useful properties and contraindications

Biologists have about 13 kinds of elderberry, but in medicine it is just blackberry, about which the properties and contraindications for use will be discussed below.

Composition of elder black

Useful properties of this plant are due to the chemical composition of its parts. Inflorescences, for example, contain:

Fresh leaves are rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, and dry leaves with provitamin A1. In the bark of the plant there is essential oil, choline, phytosterol, and in berries - amino acids, ascorbic acid, carotene, glucose.

In addition, berries and flowers of elderberry black (this is due to contraindications to their use) contain amygdalin - a very toxic substance. In the drying process, it is neutralized, and the raw material becomes suitable for use in the treatment of various ailments.

Healing properties of elderberry

Traditional medicine recognizes the healing properties of this plant, because of the flowers and fruits of elderberry make the collection, giving a lactogenic and diuretic effect, improve the work of the stomach. Oncological patients who have undergone a mastectomy are also advised by elderberry preparations.

The plant has a pronounced antihypoxic effect on organs and tissues. Scientists managed to find out that thanks to the presence of phenolic carboxylic acids in its composition, elderly copes well with swelling.

The water extract of the plant has antiviral activity, and for colds the broth from the roots of black elder has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect.

External preparations from elderberry are used for burns, pustular skin diseases and diaper rash.

Contraindications to the ingestion of elder black

Fresh berries of the plant cause diarrhea, vomiting, and if you eat them a lot - severe poisoning . As already mentioned above, fruits for medicinal purposes are used only dried. Similar contraindications have black elder blossoms - before you can make tea from them, you should dry it.

Preparations from the bark and shoots of the plant can provoke inflammation of the stomach in case of an overdose. Categorically it is impossible to be treated with elderberry to pregnant and lactating women; patients with diabetes insipidus, chronic inflammation of the intestine (Crohn's disease) and ulcerative colitis.