Zoning the room

An integral part of interior design is the zoning of the room. This applies to both large and small rooms. The main task of zoning is conditional (visual) division of the room into several parts (zones). Depending on the objectives pursued, this may be a decorative or functional separation.

There are many different methods of zoning the room: furniture, wallpaper, curtains, various decorative elements. Let's look at the most common ones.

Furniture for zoning rooms

One of the most popular methods of zoning is the use of furniture. Sofas and cabinets do not necessarily have to be along the walls, they can well serve as the boundaries of functional zones. Most often, this technique is used for the design of studios - a sofa or a soft corner restricts the rest zone, being located "back" to the cooking area. In the kitchen-dining room it will be appropriate to separate in the form of a bar counter. Children's room for children of opposite sex is often zoned with cabinets or shelving, where it is convenient to store toys, textbooks or other small items.

Zoning the room with curtains

Very well in the interior look curtains and curtains. Get away from the standards and let the curtains do not just close the windows, but also become an important part of the zoning of the room. Typically, the fabric can be used if you do not want to overload the room with cumbersome partitions and excess furniture. Using a neat curtain, you can visually separate the sleeping area and the study room, if the bed and the computer are in the same room.

Also look great curtains in the arches - they allow you to make the space separated more intimate, personal. Thus, thanks to an elegant curtain, your bedroom will not be visible from the very entrance to the long and narrow room.

Podiums and arches

Such methods of zoning the room require a serious approach even at the stage of repair. The height of the podium can be different depending on the goal pursued by you. It is convenient to store things in a niche formed by a high podium. At the same time, the low podium is more convenient in terms of moving around the apartment (minimum steps). Podiums are most often installed in bedrooms and kitchens. The illumination of the end part of the catwalk looks spectacular.

Zoning with decorative elements

Modern electric, gas and bio fireplaces are excellent for zoning any room, be it a residential apartment or even an office. Also, large aquariums with exotic fish are used for this purpose. The advantage of this method of zoning is in the unusual effect that illumination gives.

Decorative elements are most often used for zoning of square rooms, as well as rectangular rooms with a simple layout.

Partitions and racks for zoning rooms

Partitions of various modifications, made of plasterboard, are usually installed in large rooms in order to divide space into smaller areas. This is convenient, since rarely a large room has only one purpose. For example, if your family spends a lot of time in the living room, it is advisable to divide this room with a size of 18-20 or more square meters. meters for several functional parts. In principle, you can zoning any room, but more advantageous are the partitions in spacious rooms.

As for the shelving, they look great in the nursery, which sometimes just needs to be divided into sleeping, playing and working areas. The racks themselves come in different designs, and if you suffer from a lack of space, use niches and storage boxes.