How long before pregnancy can be terminated?

Due to various circumstances, some women decide on such an act as abortion. It should be noted that such a decision must be weighed and well thought out. After all, the consequences of such a procedure can adversely affect the further planning of pregnancy, as well as the health of the woman herself. Let's take a more detailed look at this manipulation and try to find out: to what period it is possible to interrupt pregnancy medically, when vacuum, and when surgically.

Up to what period can you stop pregnancy with medicines (tablets)?

To a similar type of abortion resorted in those cases when the term of gestation is small. If to speak concretely, for medical abortion the terms of 42-49 days of pregnancy are established. Thus it is necessary to tell, that counting start from the last day of last менструации. When you see a doctor later than the specified period, the doctor refuses a woman to carry out such an abortion. However, there is evidence that such an abortion without any consequences, possibly up to 63 days.

Also it is necessary to say that the success and painlessness of this procedure directly depends on the period. The earlier a woman seeks a doctor with a request for medical abortion, the better. The thing is that such a procedure at later gestational age can lead to the fact that the termination of pregnancy will not be fully (incomplete abortion) or the uterine bleeding will develop. In addition, the use of this type of abortion in later periods may not produce results, and pregnancy will continue to develop.

Considering all the above, I would like to note that the optimal time for conducting a tablet abortion is 3-4 weeks of gestation. Given this fact, the pregnancy should be diagnosed as early as possible.

Up to what time can the current pregnancy be interrupted by a vacuum?

This type of abortion is often called a mini-abortion. It is carried out when the gestation period has exceeded already 6 weeks and the implementation of medical abortion is impossible.

It is worth noting that this type of intervention is comparable in its safety to pelleted abortion. When it is carried out, a special electric pump is used, which extracts the embryo from the uterine cavity. Given this fact, the perforation of the uterine wall is completely excluded.

If we talk about the acceptable deadlines, then according to the established standards, vacuum aspiration can be performed from 6 to 12 weeks. It is in this period of time that the fetus is not yet fully formed.

Up to what week can you stop pregnancy?

When a woman applies at a later date, more precisely after 12 weeks, only surgical abortion is possible. It should be noted that already at such a time for the abortion should be an indication, i.e. the simple desire of a woman is not enough.

This type of abortion is performed by scraping. To do this, first expand the neck, then a special tool - curette - is introduced into the uterine cavity.

This type of abortion is possible up to the 20th week of pregnancy. In this case, the indications for its implementation are, first of all, social aspects, for example, when pregnancy became a consequence of rape.

At later terms, i.e. after 21 weeks, termination of pregnancy is possible only on medpokazaniyam (developmental disorders in the fetus, life threatening pregnancy).

Thus, every woman should clearly imagine before what period, or rather the month of pregnancy, you can interrupt the gestational process, and in time to consult a doctor.