Neoplasm in the mammary gland

Neoplasm in the mammary glands can be detected independently, but only a doctor can determine the type of tumor. More often it turns out to be benign.

As a rule, these are focal (nodular) formations. Formed structures that differ in density from healthy tissue and localized in a specific area of ​​the breast. Seals are single and multiple. Sizes can vary.

Benign neoplasm of the breast

Cells of these formations do not damage other tissues and do not create metastases.

There are the following types:

  1. Mastopathy is a variety of types of seals in the chest. The disease is not dangerous, but the probability of degeneration of mastopathy in a malignant tumor is high.
  2. Fibroadenoma is a glandular formation in the mammary gland. Oval single tumor with clear contours, which arises from fibrous tissue or glandular. Distinguish the usual form (does not pass into cancer) and leaf-shaped (almost always becomes malignant).
  3. Cystic formations are cavities (single or multiple) filled with fluid.
  4. Lipoma - fat formation in the mammary gland. This tumor does not occur often. It flows imperceptibly for a woman, but sometimes it can degenerate into sarcoma.

If the formation is diagnosed as avascular, it means that the tumor does not supply blood and grows slowly.

Malignant neoplasms of the breast

  1. Breast cancer is the growth of a tumor from the epithelial or glandular tissue.
  2. Sarcoma - a tumor in the form of a dense node and developing from connective tissue.
  3. Lymphoma - damage to the lymphatic system (ducts, nodes).

Any, even the most innocuous formation in the chest requires control by the physician and treatment, since it can turn into a malignant form.