Can I get pregnant the day before the month?

In life, it happens that pregnancy can occur quite unexpectedly, and at a time when conception simply could not happen. Everyone knows that the most "dangerous" days are those that are in the middle of the cycle. Whether it is possible to become pregnant one day before monthly, - a question, disputes about which in medical circles do not cease already many decades.

A few words about the menstrual cycle

For a long time physicians have determined the fact that a woman can have up to three ovulations during one cycle, without special stimulation. However, the most common is the cycle with the fact of the release of one ripe egg. To calculate the date of ovulation is simple enough, and it occurs, as a rule, two weeks before the beginning of bleeding. Accordingly, if the girl's cycle is, for example, 30 days, ovulation will occur on the 16th day of the menstrual cycle. And given that the egg lives a day, and sperm is 3-5 days, and in rare cases, a week, the probability of getting pregnant the day before the month is zero.

If we talk about a cycle with several ovulations, then they happen with a difference, not more than 24 hours, so the risk of getting pregnant the day before the monthly, even under such conditions, is also minimal.

All of the above applies only to the fair sex, who have a regular cycle, and they have a constant sex life. But in girls with a broken hormonal background or with a very short cycle, the situation is slightly different.

Why can pregnancy occur?

When asked whether it is possible to get pregnant the day before the month, doctors say that there is a chance, although not great, but there is. In this situation, the most common reasons are:

  1. Short menstrual cycle.
  2. If a fair sex woman repeats bloody discharge every 20 days, she gets into a risk group, when you can get pregnant 1 day before the month, although with a low probability. And this is primarily due to the fact that having committed sexual intercourse on the last day of the cycle, spermatozoa will live a week in the fallopian tubes of a woman and wait for the egg. If you calculate the date of ovulation, it will be on the 6th day of the cycle (20-14 = 6), when fertilization can still occur. Although, in fairness, it must be said that the chance of getting pregnant with women with a short cycle on this day is also small, as it is known that there are very few men with such "tenacious" spermatozoa.

  3. Failure in the hormonal system.
  4. This situation can happen to any girl. Stress, unhealthy lifestyle, diseases of the genitourinary system - all these are factors that allow hormones to work incorrectly, and the egg to mature before the due time.

  5. Irregular sex life.
  6. What is the probability of getting pregnant the day before the month, if it was the only sexual intercourse within 2-3 months - doctors say that it is high enough. This is due to the fact that the body of a woman, which by its nature is called to bear children, unexpected ovulation responds to readiness for pregnancy and childbirth.

Most recently, a sociological survey was conducted in Canada, in which 100 young girls participated, each of whom had at least one pregnancy up to the age of 20. It turned out that everyone had a single relationship with the opposite sex, and the fertilization comes from one or two sexual acts, and regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle. From here, scientists confirmed the long-established theory that especially at a young age even a single intimacy can lead to unexpected ovulation and pregnancy.

So, the period for which it is impossible to get pregnant for how many days before the month is not difficult to calculate, and for each woman this figure will be individual. However, do not forget that this formula works only if the girl's menstrual cycle is regular and longer than 22 days, and there are no other factors influencing the unexpected output of the egg.