Infectious erythema

Infectious erythema is a viral infection whose etiology is not established. The characteristics of the disease include symptoms of intoxication of the body and rashes in the form of large red spots.

Infectious erythema - symptoms

The first signs of the disease may be perspiration in the throat, malaise, discomfort in the nasopharynx. Sometimes the symptoms go unnoticed, and the rash may be short-lived. In this case, the entire disease passes unnoticed. The typical course of infectious erythema in adults is more severe than in children. Often accompanied by neuralgia and delirium.

The main manifestations of infection include:

A rash with infectious erythema, the incubation period of which is one to two weeks, appears on the fifth day. Rashes in children are more common than in adults. Atypical form of the disease may not be accompanied by redness.

Infectious erythema of Rosenberg

For this form of the disease is characterized by rapid development, in which there are signs of intoxication ( myalgia , headache, temperature). There is no rash on the face. Most often it is located on the joints of the legs and hands. On the buttocks, the spots form erythematous fields. On the fifth day of redness come off, and the skin begins to peel. Fever can last from a week to twelve days.

Chamera infectious erythema

This type of erythema has a light course. Body temperature increases slightly. From the first day there are spots on the face, which on the second day merge, forming a figure of a butterfly. Redness can also be seen on the limbs.

After two weeks, the rashes are gone. However, their re-emergence may be associated with overheating, prolonged physical exertion, fever. Often in adults, the disease is accompanied by swelling of the joints.

Infectious erythema - consequences

This infection in many cases can lead to serious complications. The most common problems are associated with a temporary halt in the production of red blood cells in the blood. In healthy people, this phenomenon passes unnoticed, but in the presence of disorders of the hematopoietic system, complications can arise.

Reduction of red blood cells causes the aplastic crisis, whose duration is from seven to ten days. People with aplastic anemia can experience rapid heart rate, apathy, breathing disorders. If the disease develops in a pregnant woman, it can lead to the death of the fetus.

Treatment of infectious erythema

The fight against the disease can be carried out at home in the absence of complicating factors. Treatment involves getting rid of the symptoms. It includes the following measures:

  1. Bed rest.
  2. Drinking lots of fluids.
  3. Admission of painkillers.

Since the disease is provoked by the action of viruses, not bacteria, antibiotic treatment is not prescribed. Repeated rashes do not indicate the return of the infection. Often they may be are caused by stress or exposure to sun rays.

People who are prone to complications of infection must always be seen by the doctor. Such groups of persons include:

In some cases, to prevent the development of complications, the patient is hospitalized.

Pregnant women are prescribed regular ultrasound examination. If the edema is detected, the fetus is given a blood transfusion.