How to wash a shed thing?

Many housewives do not know what to do when shed linen, a swimsuit or a dress. Indeed, this is a rather serious problem, since it is impossible in many cases to get rid of fading stains. It is much easier to prevent this trouble than to try to get rid of the consequences. Nevertheless, if you already shed, you need to look for ways to wash the shed thing.

We offer a number of methods, how to remove the faded spots and return the color to things:

Even if you really want to return the color of a faded thing, you should not apply the above methods to it several times - you can severely damage the fabric. Then the clothes will not even save the repainting in a different color.

In order to protect clothing from fading stains, you must carefully read the instructions for washing and always wash light things apart from dark ones, and white separately from colored ones. For things from delicate fabrics, use only the most gentle washing mode. By observing these simple rules, you can save the color of your favorite things and your own time.