Interesting facts about Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country in which local residents are subject to Sharia. Here there are unique laws and regulations, millions of Muslims come here for the Hajj, and the state itself has a long history and is one of the richest on the planet.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country in which local residents are subject to Sharia. Here there are unique laws and regulations, millions of Muslims come here for the Hajj, and the state itself has a long history and is one of the richest on the planet.

Top 20 interesting facts about Saudi Arabia

Before traveling to this country, every traveler should familiarize himself with the peculiarities of behavior and the rules of life in this country. The most interesting facts about him are:

  1. Geographical position. The state is located on the Arabian Peninsula and occupies about 70% of its territory. This is the largest country in the Middle East, which is washed by the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. Along the west coast stretches the mountains of Asher and Hijaz, and on the east are the deserts. The air temperature there can exceed + 60 ° C, and the humidity can reach 100%. Here, sandstorms, dry winds and fogs often occur. According to legend, the two cliffs of Ayr and Uhud are the entrance to Hell and Paradise respectively.
  2. Historical information. Before the emergence of a modern state, the country's territory was divided into small principalities, isolated from each other. Over time, they began to unite, and in 1932 formed Saudi Arabia, which is the poorest on the mainland. According to the legends, Eve was expelled from Eden (she is buried in Jeddah), the Prophet Mohammed was born and died there, his tomb is in the Masjid al-Nabav Mosque .
  3. Sacred city. Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most closed countries on the planet. The government of the kingdom officially prohibited visits to Mecca and Medina to non-Muslims. In these cities are kept sacred Islamic relics, which pilgrims from all over the world worship.
  4. Oil. Six years after the mineral was discovered in huge quantities in the bowels of the country, the state became the richest in the peninsula and was recognized as the first in the world to extract this product. The oil sector accounts for 45% of the total GDP and is $ 335.372 billion. "Black gold" markedly boosted the country's economy. By the way, gasoline in Saudi Arabia costs two times less than drinking water.
  5. Religion. Muslims pray 5 times during the day. At this time all institutions are closed. Another religion is not officially forbidden, but temples can not be erected and religious symbols are also undesirable (for example, icons, crosses).
  6. Relations with the US - this country had its share in the oil business of Saudi Arabia. Franklin Roosevelt concluded a "Quincy" pact with King Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud. According to him, the monopoly on the development and exploration of oil was received by America, which, in turn, promised to provide Arabs with military protection.
  7. Women. In the state there are strict sharia laws concerning the weaker sex. Girls are given in marriage from the age of 10 and do not give the right to choose. They are severely limited in their freedom of action. For example, a woman can not:
    • go out without the accompaniment of men (husband or relative);
    • communicate with the opposite sex, unless it is a mahram (close relative);
    • work;
    • To be shown on eyes to people without a scarf and abayi - shapeless wide attire of black color;
    • to consult a doctor without the permission of male relatives;
    • to drive a car.
  8. Duties of men. Representatives of the strong half of humanity should protect their honor ("sharaf" or "namus") of their women and families, and provide them. In this case, he has the right to determine the degree of punishment for the weaker sex.
  9. Fines. Compliance with Sharia law is monitored by the Mutawwa - the religious police. It refers to the Committee on Retention of Deficiency and the Promotion of Virtue. For crimes in the country various punishments are established, for example, blows by a stick, throwing stones, cutting off of extremities, etc.
  10. The death penalty. Local residents can be sentenced to beheaded for adultery without marriage, treason, serious crimes (for example, deliberate killing or arming robbery), non-traditional relations, drug use or distribution, the creation of opposition groups, etc. The punishment is carried out on the square near the mosque. The executioner's work is considered honorable, the skill is inherited, there are whole dynasties.
  11. The king and his family. In the old days, the rulers of the country became only members of the clan Saud. From monarchs and the name of the state. Today, power is inherited only within this family. The king officially has 4 wives, and the number of his close relatives exceeds 10 thousand people.
  12. Road traffic. One of the most popular entertainment for local men is riding on 2 side-car wheels. No one observes the rules behind the wheel (they speed at maximum speed, do not buckle on, do not look at signs and markings, keep babies in the front seat, etc.), although high fines are levied for violating them. Because of frequent accidents and accidents, aborigines rarely buy expensive cars, the most common are the Chevrolet Caprice Classic, produced in the 80s of the XX century. If the woman herself drives the car, then it will be publicly beaten.
  13. Water. There are big problems with drinking water in the country. It is desalinated from the sea, as there are almost no unsalted sources in Saudi Arabia. Several large lakes have already been completely drained, of which there are very few in the country.
  14. Hajj. Annually hundreds of Muslims come to the country, wishing to make a pilgrimage to the main Islamic shrines. Such a congestion of people in one place causes various problems, and during religious rites people often die.
  15. Public catering establishments. In Saudi Arabia, there are almost no cafes and bars, and there are no night clubs at all. You can eat only in restaurants that are divided into family and male parts. Singles do not recommend coming here. Alcohol in the country is strictly prohibited. For his use can be imprisoned or deported. You can buy here only illegal spirits, their cost is about $ 300 per bottle.
  16. The shops. In all trade shops there is a certain censorship. Special employees work here, who paint with dark markers packaging with open parts of the body. Women are painted completely, and children and men - legs and hands. In the departments with women's underwear are allowed to work the weaker sex.
  17. Entertainment. In Saudi Arabia it is not customary to celebrate holidays and birthdays, nor do they celebrate the New Year. Cinemas are banned in the country. Rarely, who among the locals can swim. Instead, they roll on sand dunes of the desert and travel to oases for picnics.
  18. Public transport. Tourists can travel around the country by metro , train, bus or taxi. Local residents prefer to drive cars, so public transport is almost not developed.
  19. Communication. Old friends and close relatives meet three times on the cheek. Friends say hello to each other for the right hand, the left is considered dirty.
  20. Chronology. In Saudi Arabia, they live according to the Islamic lunar calendar, which corresponds to the Hijri. Now the country is in 1438.