Alaska pollock in the multivariate

Even though the pollock - fish is incredibly simple in cooking, which keeps the shape well, and therefore is suitable for frying, stewing and baking, an inexperienced mistress can dry a tender fish fillet. To avoid this, we need to prepare the fish correctly and according to the correct recipes, and if we can help you with the latter, then for the first it is desirable to buy a kitchen assistant - multivark.

Fried pollock in the multivark

Frying pollock - the process is quick and simple, and therefore takes a few minutes. Raise the bar of the recipe can be using a delicious sauce on a tomato basis, which will perfectly complement the taste of fish light ostrinkoy.



We warm the device in the "Quenching" mode and fry in a bowl pieces of sharp sausages. When the sausages have a characteristic golden-brown hue, add a clove of garlic to them and wait another half a minute. After, in the bowl of the device you can lay cut fresh tomatoes, without forgetting to first rid them of the skin. Season the contents of the multivark, not forgetting to add sugar. When the tomato pieces are boiled, the thick sauce can be poured into a separate dish and proceed with the frying of the fish.

Before frying, pollock season with salt and pepper on both sides. Switch the multivark to "Hot" and pour a little oil into the device. When the surface is sufficiently heated, you can start roasting pollock in the multivark: we put the fish skin down and keep it like this, without moving, for three minutes. We turn the pollock to the side of the fillet and wait for another two minutes.

We serve fish with a spicy tomato sauce immediately after cooking.

The recipe for stew pollock in the multivariate



Before you put out pollock in the multivark, fish should be cleaned of bones and skin if the seller has not done this before you. After, pollock is seasoned on both sides and put in a preheated olive oil bowl multivarka. The cooking mode is "Quenching". Mix the lemon juice with sour cream and mustard, add 60 ml of water and pour the fillet with the resulting sauce. Stewed pollock in sour cream in a multivark will be prepared for 20 minutes, after which it can be immediately served.

Alaska Pollock in the Multivariate



We put a piece of foil on the bottom of a special basket multivarka, designed for steaming. On top of the foil sheet, we lay both fish fillets and sprinkle them with a mixture of grated ginger root, passed through a garlic press, chili and lemon peel. We pour fish with lemon juice and soy sauce. We install the container of the steamer in a cup filled with water and set the "Steam cooking" mode. Preparation of pollock in the multivark will take 25 minutes.

The recipe for pollock in the multivariate



Before cooking pollock in a multivark, chickpea is soaked and boiled. In the "Hot" mode, we pass onions, garlic and sausages together with spices. After 6 minutes, add the tomatoes in their own juice, broth and wait for the sauce to thicken and become homogeneous. Add the chickpea sauce and stew for 40 minutes, after which we put the fish fillet on top and wait another 15 minutes.