Colds in dogs

Is there a cold in dogs? Of course! A dog is as much a living being as a human being, and is accordingly susceptible to a variety of diseases, which are the most common.

Symptoms of colds in dogs

Symptoms are very similar to human, if you are a caring owner, then do not miss them:

Like a person, your four-legged pet can catch a virus from another dog, catch a cold from a draft, freeze. To prevent seasonal diseases, put a warm blanket in the doghouse, if possible, conduct heating. Balance the diet by giving as many micronutrients as you can. In the solution, you can add infusions of Echinacea, ginseng - it's natural immunostimulants.

In damp weather, reduce the time of walking to a minimum, after a walk carefully dry the animal. You can put a pet in warm overalls.

How to cure a dog for a cold?

  1. Get rid of the factors contributing to the disease. If this is a draft - rearrange the couch or fence the enclosure. If it's cold, heat up the dog's place.
  2. If the temperature is high, then you can give a tablet of paracetamol at the rate of 1 piece for a large animal, half for an average and a quarter for a small in size and age of the animal.
  3. For the treatment of colds in dogs, take care of the proper nutrition of the pet. Exclude dry food, give vitamins. Food should be warm (but not hot) and high-calorie.
  4. The medicine for colds and coughs for dogs can serve as an infusion of herbs such as licorice root, flowers of mother-and-stepmother, plantain. In equal proportions, mix all the herbs and 2 tablespoons fill with one glass of water, give time to brew and then poach the animal on a tablespoon three times a day.

However, it is best to know how to treat a dog for a cold, of course, a veterinarian. If you have not yet experienced a cold in pets, then do not engage in self-medication, because the disease of man and the dog - it's a different matter.