How to plant acorn oak?

For many people, the oak tree is a symbol of power and longevity. And a very big surprise is the fact that such a huge, branchy tree grows from a very small fruit, called an acorn. But how to plant an acorn in the fall, we'll figure it out.

To plant an oak from an acorn, it will be necessary to start to look for a large branchy tree and go to him in the autumn for acorns. We need to collect several sick acorns (brown) and go home for their further planting.

How to plant an acorn properly to grow an oak tree?

Many people have a question - "but how correctly to plant an acorn?" Acorns which have fallen, it is necessary this fall and planted, so that they would ascend. There is a risk that they can be damaged by the rodent, unless of course the landing will be carried out on the open ground. But in order for the sprout to appear, you just need to plant a few dozen acorns at the same time.

So, the acorns are collected, now we need to prepare them for planting. We take them, well washed with running water, preferably even with soap. It is necessary to do this in order to wash away all dirt, mold, and in the future, so that the germ, which has already germinated, does not fall ill. If you have a hat off from an acorn, you should not be frightened - it does not matter for further germination.

Oaks are very fond of forest fertile lands, so sand and clay soils do not suit them at all. The soil for the acorn can be taken in the woods, where you collected acorns, or in the store to buy ordinary planted land .

How to plant acorn oak at home?

Planting of acorns. Acorns can be planted at home in pots. This, first, will allow you to solve the problem with rodents, and secondly, will give you the opportunity to watch how it will germinate. And since planting an acorn in a pot and waiting for its appearance is very interesting and many will want to do it, we proceed to planting. There are two ways how to grow a common acorn sprawling oak:

  1. The first way: take the acorns, put in a container and we cover them with a wet cloth. Now we just wait until it sprouts, and only then we transplant it into the pot.
  2. According to the second method, acorns are planted each in a separate pot. They are planted only in a horizontal position. Pour the soil on the pot on 2/3, put the acorn and fall asleep to the top.

Also, when planting, you need to take into account that the root system of oak is developing very rapidly, so the pots are large. Abundantly watered. And we are waiting for the appearance of a giant oak.