How to care for a dzhungar hamster?

Many like a small rodent belonging to the family of hamsters - Dzhungar hamster or jungar, as it is also called. This animal is popular due to its cleanliness and ease of maintenance. Let's find out how to properly care for the dzhungar hamster at home.

Care for the jungle

Dzhungar hamsters are extremely mobile and the cage for them should be chosen rather spacious. And in one cell only one individual can live, as these animals are territorial and, living in the same area, can be aggressive towards each other.

You can also keep a jungar hamster in the aquarium. At the bottom of his house there should be a litter of fine sand, you can use pressed sawdust, which absorbs odors and moisture well. Do not use cotton, newspapers, cloth or napkins in the cage. You can use a special filler.

In the cage of the Dzungarik it is necessary to arrange different climbs from roots, twigs and tubules. To the wall of the cell, you can attach a small hamster house and a wheel with transverse trunks, which must be selected in accordance with the growth of the animal.

The hamster should have constant access to a water bowl with fresh water, which must be changed daily. Fodder should be poured into the trough, located at the height necessary for the animal.

As a feed for jungariki, a grain mixture with the addition of various crispy dainties, which help the animal to grind teeth, is suitable. For the same purpose in a cage, a hamster should constantly lie chalk stone. These animals are fond of eating apples, pears, carrots and even raspberries. Categorically it is impossible to give hamsters nuts, seeds, and also citrus fruits.

Feed the jungar hamster in the morning and evening. At the same time, some of his food can remain until the next feeding.

Dzungariki reproduce well at home. In the litter they have from one to eleven cubs, which the mother feeds milk. A special feature of caring for newborn hamsters is jungariks that they can not be taken in hands. Hamster, smelling your scent, can eat your children.