What is the liturgy in the church?

People who do not often go to church sometimes face unknown concepts. For example, many are interested in what a liturgy is and when it happens. From the Greek language, this word is translated as a common cause or service. In ancient times, in Athens, this concept was understood as a monetary obligation, which the rich people initially gave voluntarily, and then, forcibly. Only since the second century of our era, the word "liturgy" began to be called an important element of worship.

What is the liturgy in the church?

This Sacrament was established by Jesus Christ, and it happened at the Last Supper. The Son of God took bread in his hands and blessed him and distributed to his disciples the apostles who were sitting with him at the same table. During this, he told them that bread is his body. After that, he blessed the cup of wine and also gave it to the disciples with the words that it was his blood. Through His actions the Savior commanded all believers on earth to perform this ordinance while the world exists, remembering in the same time his sufferings, death and resurrection. It is believed that eating bread and wine allows you to approach Christ.

Today the liturgy is the main service in the Christian faith, during which the preparation for communion takes place. Since ancient times, people gathered in the temple to join forces in glorifying the Almighty. Considering what a liturgy is in Orthodoxy, I would like to say that often such a divine service is called Mass, but it is due to the fact that it is supposed to be performed from dawn to noon, that is before dinner. As for when exactly worship takes place, it can be done daily in large churches. If the church is small, the liturgy usually takes place on Sundays.

It will be interesting to know, not only about the Liturgy, but also what a requiem is. This word is called the funeral service, the essence of which is the prayer commemoration of the deceased. While commemorating the church draws attention to the fact that the soul of man ascends to heaven to the judgment of God . A funeral service is held on the third, ninth and fortieth days after death. There are also parental funeral services, which are used for all the dead, and not for a specific person.

Liturgy about health - what is it?

Divine service can take place both for health and for peace. In the first case, the main purpose of the liturgy is to help a person get rid of existing diseases, find the right way in life, solve problems, etc. It is important that a person during this is present in the temple. The divine service for the dead is aimed at helping the soul in that world.