The Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinje from Witchcraft

Every year, situations where happy people suddenly face various troubles, illnesses and tragedies for unknown reasons, are encountered more often. In some cases, all the fault is a negative magical influence from the outside. Many people are ready to go to much, so they curse, inflict damage and use other magical rituals. If the problem is not detected in time, then the situation can reach a critical value and a person can simply die.

From history it is known that from childhood Cyprian was a pagan and even on Olympus he was ordained as a priest. He was in the service of Satan and had the power to control demons. Justina was a believer, she dedicated herself to God and fasted all the time, and prayed. Once a young man addressed to Cyprian, who wanted to get a girl. Cyprian sent various tests, but faith in God was unshakable. After a while, he realized that he was living wrong and then came to God, who forgave his sins. Since then, these saints are addressed by people who want to get rid of sorcery and from negative influence from the outside.

The Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinje from Witchcraft

It is not enough to simply read the words of prayer to get rid of the problem, because there are several important rules that you definitely need to follow. Reading a prayer is a sacrament, which means that at that moment no one should be around. It is also not advisable to tell anyone that it was decided to turn to the saints for help. That nothing distracted and did not break contact with the Higher Forces, you need to close the windows and doors, as well as disconnect electrical appliances. In order for the prayer from the magic of Cyprian and Ustinje to be influenced by great importance is the faith of man, not only in God and the saints, but also that it will be possible to achieve the desired result and get rid of the existing negativity.

The prayer from the curse to Cyprian and Ustinje, like other appeals, consists of several parts:

It is important to pronounce the words confidently, without hesitation and in a half-whisper. The best solution is to learn the prayer by heart, but if it is difficult to do, then it can be written on paper, but only with your own hands. Observing all these rules, it will be possible to get rid of spoilage in the near future.

You can read the prayer for your own cleansing as well as for other people, but it is important to do this over your head. Still it is possible to read a prayer for water, which is charged with special energy and becomes curative. It can be drunk, and also used for washing.

Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption should be read seven times at dawn, looking at the rising sun, but it sounds like this:

"The holy martyrs Kuprian and Justinius are guided by their words! Listen to the prayer of the servant of God (name), hear him, Help him solve the problem. I address you with a request, with the plea of ​​one, From witchcraft, from black magic, from people who are not good, Protect me. From the fact that they wanted me bad, save it. Remove all the dark, smoothed, spoiled, help me out. Pray for me to the Lord God, help me find his help, salvation. Not about wealth I pray, not about prosperity, about protection, I ask. For my soul, for my body. Amen!"

After this, it is necessary to wash with running water, saying:

"With water I wash away spoilage, evil eye and sorcery are dark. As the water from the face goes, so the bad things follow. Amen!"

After this, it is recommended to imagine, within a few minutes, how the negative goes away and evaporates. Visualization is an important component of any ritual, including in addressing saints. If during the day there are also needs for the protection and support of saints, prayer can be repeated.

Reading prayers to Saint Cyprian and Ustinje must be repeated for several weeks, until life changes for the better begin to happen. After the retreat of the "black strip", it is necessary to read the "Our Father" in the morning and in the evening for several days.

In addition to praying to Saint Cyprian and Ustinje there is another effective prayer appeal, but only to one Saint Cyprian. Him use for rituals with children. Newborn children, especially before baptism, are the most vulnerable to negative influence from the outside. That's why parents need to protect their baby. Prayer should be read by a relative on the female line: mother, grandmother or a native aunt. The child needs to be put on hands and three times to read such plot:

"Saint Cyprian, help protect my baby, Little one from the eyes of strangers, from bad words, From bad people, from envious words, from hypocritical praises. In the words of my child's prayer, I wrap my veil like a veil, I protect my troubles and prose, I protect you from diseases and sorcery. Let it be done, as it is said. Amen!"

It is best to repeat the prayer several times a month.