Conspiracy from fright

Each of us has a sense of fear . One of the impulses for his appearance is fright. Very often it, especially if it occurred in childhood, leaves behind a heavy imprint: stammering, panic fear of anything, the appearance of phobia, anxiety and emotional imbalance. All this must be disposed of, and the earlier, the better.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to do this without medication, without taking psychotropic medications, soothing and antidepressants, which, by the way, have no less detrimental effects on our body than the consequences of fright. Conspiracy from fright is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of any fright.

Conspiracies and prayers for fear can be very different, there are a lot of them, and when used correctly, they are all effective. We will offer you the most famous and simple, which will allow you once and for all to get rid of the fear received once.

Conspiracy against fright

If you once were scared of something so much that you are still tormented by this fear, then use the simplest and most effective plot. You must speak before you go to bed, or immediately after you wake up. Say the following words:

"I live in this world with God in my soul, in my body, in my head, he leads me. And who goes with God, to that fear does not cling. I go with him near by in all circumstances. Amen".

As for those who are ardent atheists, it is better for them to use what is not connected in any way with the involvement of the divine forces, take advantage of the conspiracy to water from fright. Pour in a bowl or a cup of water and, without taking water from the eyes, pour it into the ground, saying the words:

"As water goes into the ground, as it descends, the water is down, so my fear in the earth is dissolved."

Conspiracy from a child's fright

Childish fears occur suddenly, after some severe fright, and the childish fright is hard to take off, but still you can. Melt the candle, the size of the candle will be unimportant. Wax should be drained in a bowl of water, before installing it at the head of the baby. Say these words:

"Poloni, God, my child, frightened by an unknown force, let the unseen beast go away from his fate. Amen".

After everything is done, get rid of the water with the wax.