Prayer for the health of the child

Maternal love has no boundaries, so when a child falls ill, any mother is ready to do anything to alleviate his suffering. In such situations, a woman asks for help from the Higher Forces. The most important condition for pronouncing a prayer about a child's health is the pure soul of the mother, who fully believes in her actions. If you have sins for you, you need to beg. To do this, you should go to church, where the priest will help to know what icon you need to pray in this case.

You can offer a prayer to the Guardian Angel, because every person has a defender from birth, who will always help his ward. In this case, the prayer sounds like this:

"Holy Angel to the guardian of my children (names), cover them with your veil from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen".

Say these words every day. This is one of the many prayers known to believing Christians. Do not forget about medicine, prayer can only help attract a good doctor to the patient and give internal strength to fight.

Prayer Matrona

The help that is asked of the saints is needed to protect the innocent soul from problems, and the body from illnesses. If the mother's light, disinterested prayer for the health of the child is accompanied by tears, it says that the soul is completely open for God's help.

This Matrona prayer is read every morning at dawn. It will help improve the health of the child:

It is known that the disease is a test of faith, therefore, it is necessary to pass through this test without flinching. Just surround your child with even greater love, and all saints will come to your rescue. Grow your child in piety and immense love, in such an environment, no diseases and problems are afraid of him.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary

Mother's prayer for the health of the child addressed to the Virgin Mary with a request for protection and help will help to protect your child from all misfortunes. It will give hope and strength in order to regain faith and tranquility. Higher forces will not allow disease to reach the innocent, sinless God's creation. By praying, you gain faith in healing, hope for the future and pass on your positive attitude to the sick child. Prayer to the Virgin Mary sounds like this:

Prayer for the health of a sick child

For parents, it is very important that their child is happy, and most importantly healthy. To protect their child during the period of illness, parents are ready for much. To give strength to the child to fight the disease, you can read this prayer:

The power of prayer is very large, so you can read it anywhere, for example, directly in the church, at home or near the child. Many claim that even if there are thousands of miles between you, ask and you will be heard. To help you pray, a church prayer service for your health can be added.

Panteleimon prayer

In Orthodoxy, there are many different prayers for health. St. Panteleimon is considered the main healer from illnesses. When walking down the street, he saw a dead child, he began to pray to Christ and ask to resurrect the baby. He said that if the child comes to life, then he will become a follower of Christ. His words were heard and the kid revived. Since that time, believers have applied to Panteleimon for their recovery.

As often as possible, read this prayer until the child is fully recovered. After this, be sure to thank the Holy One for help and pray again.

Parental prayer for the health of children has the greatest power, as they put in their words all their love, faith and care. So that troubles and illnesses will bypass you and the child, keep the soul clean. Educate the child in piety and love of others, and then his health will be strong and unshakable. Pray for your child from birth, but do not ask for health and material prosperity. First of all, pray for the salvation of the soul, for only God knows the path that is ordered at birth.