Exercise bar - effect

Exercise the bar is universal, it is suitable for almost everyone, does not require the cost of equipment and a large amount of time. The bar is running for a few minutes, but the effect of this exercise is colossal.

What is the effect of the exercise bar?

Planck can be of various types - on elongated arms and forearms for beginners, lateral and complicated for more trained individuals. In any case, the exercise bar provides a lightning effect: the muscles of the whole body come into tonus, tighten, fat stores melt, energy and strength appear.

According to many experts, the bar allows you to reduce cellulite , tk. the circulation of blood improves throughout the body. Many practitioners of this exercise have back pain, because there is strengthening of the muscular corset. Fat when doing the bar goes even in the most difficult places - from the back, buttocks, thighs, belly.

Beginners perform the bar less than a minute - 3 sets of 10-20 seconds. Hold longer is not worth it - unprepared muscles can respond with severe pain. But over time, the length of the bar can reach several minutes.

To properly implement the bar, you should follow the rules:

What effect does the bar give to the press?

If you evaluate the effect of the exercise bar before and after, it will be most noticeable on the state of the press. This effect is achieved due to a very strong tension of the muscles of the press, which is inevitable when the exercise is correctly performed. Many trainers recommend not to press the press, and daily to fulfill the bar - this is safer for the back, and more effective. The strength of muscle tension beginner will not feel the next day - the muscles of the press will be very sick. This means that the exercise was performed correctly.