Why do we have chanterelles mushrooms?

Dreams can be different. Bright and fantastic, gloomy and frightening. Some please, and after some want to wake up quickly and find out what this dream meant.

Why do we dream about the favorite mushrooms of chanterelles - there are a lot of interpretations, and they depend on what plot the subconscious of the sleeper showed. It can not be unequivocally said that it is good or bad to see chanterelles in a dream.

Why dream of picking mushrooms chanterelles?

If in a dream the plot concerned a "quiet" hunt for chanterelles, this could mean that the one who saw this dream in a controversial situation will necessarily make the right decision. If the foxes of chanterelles, which a person collects alternately with other mushrooms, is a sign that a reliable partner will soon appear, together with which many successes will be achieved.

Collected chanterelles in a dream can mean financial profit. And the more chanterelles, the more money .

Why dream of preparing chanterell mushrooms?

If in a dream the chanterelles are cleaned, then in reality you need to prioritize and clean the house, both at home and in thought. But fried chanterelles can hint at a pleasant surprise - the soon birth of a daughter. The same meaning is carried by chanterelles stewed with sour cream.

What can the foxes of a chanterelle dream of a woman?

Young mushrooms mushrooms called foxes dream of an early marriage. If the lady in the marriage already consists - this dream speaks in favor of her husband. He is exactly a reliable person.

In what cases does the fox of a chanterelle appear to a man?

Representatives of the strong half of humanity fungi chanterelle dreams, when a potential lover appears on the horizon. Pay attention, the cunning to this girl will clearly not occupy.

When do mushrooms chanterelles dream of failure?

This interpretation is also there. Negative events can predict a dream in which the chanterelles break down or crumble in their hands.