Review of the book "Why?" - Catherine Ripley

"Why do horses sleep standing up?" Why are the peaches shaggy? Why, when you sit in the bathroom for a long time, your fingers become wrinkled? "The life of a child of 3-5 years is full of thousands and thousands of" why? ". This is the result of curiosity, interest in the world around them, and a passion for knowledge. And the task of us, the parents, to support this interest, to develop it, not to dismiss the intrusive questions, even if they are repeated several times a day, try to pay attention to every "why" that is so important for the child right now.

So, in our hands (me, my mother, and my 4-year-old son) got a wonderful book by the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Farber" with the simple title "Why?" Author Katherine Ripley, intended for children from birth. The book was first translated into Russian, but it certainly deserves attention.

About the publication

To begin with, I would like to note the quality of the publication. With today's abundance of books by different publishers, finding a good copy can be quite a challenge. But "Myth" with her excellent job. The book is a convenient A4 format, in high-quality binding, with good offset printing, large print, unreadable sheets and surprisingly good illustrations by Scott Richie. For convenience of use in the book there is a bookmark.

About the content

The structure of the book also deserves a positive response: the information is given not in the outset, as in some other books of similar subjects, but is clearly divided into sections:

In each section there are 12 or more questions and answers to them, which is quite enough to satisfy interest in many "why". All this is complemented by funny pictures of the life of the boy and his parents and simple and understandable schemes.

Overall Impression

I liked the book, and, most importantly, the child, who again and again returns to it, sometimes himself, leafing through pages and looking at pictures. The text is well read, for each "why?" A separate spread is highlighted, and the questions themselves are really those that the child asks from the moment he starts speaking. Here you will not find complex reasoning about the technical features of devices, space or, say, history. But, you see, the child's world is just his house, walks with his parents, going to the store and traveling to his grandmother in the village, where there are so many different "why?" It's on them that the book answers, simply and understandably, , which the child treats with pleasure. In addition, it encourages you to ask other questions, to be interested in surrounding objects and phenomena, and to learn by yourself, reasoning, to seek answers to them.

For particularly curious people at the end of the book there is an empty sheet that parents and children can fill themselves.

Would I recommend a book for reading? Definitely, yes! Such a publication can be an excellent addition to a children's library or a gift to loved ones.

Tatyana, mom, why, the content manager.