Rash in a newborn - possible causes and ways to eliminate all types of rashes in a baby

The skin of babies does not always have a reference smoothness, velvety and softness. In the first weeks of life, it is often covered with rashes of different types and origin, prone to irritation and periodically flaky. In most cases, these phenomena are considered normal and disappear on their own.

Types of rash in newborns

Epidermal problems in babies arise against the background of adaptation of the organism to new conditions of existence. The crumb must adapt to life outside the womb, learn to digest and digest milk, to resist infections. These factors can provoke a rash in the baby, which occurs in many forms. The main types of rashes:

Hormonal rash in newborns

Some mothers notice the changes in the relief of his skin while swimming. In the hair, on the face and around the neck, it becomes slightly bumpy and rough. This is a typical rash in a newborn, it is diagnosed in about 30% of children in 1-3 months. The appearance of these pimples is associated with the correction of the endocrine system of the baby. The hormones of the mother stop coming into the body of the crumbs, and their excess is gradually eliminated.

Neonatal rash in addition indicates the formation of local immunity. The epidermis is quickly populated with special yeast-like fungi and beneficial bacteria, which in the future will perform protective functions. In rare cases, rashes may begin to fade slightly and become inflamed, but these processes are eliminated without medical intervention.

Allergic rash in infants

If the baby eats naturally, the cause of urticaria may become a maternal diet . Often hypersensitivity reactions are observed in response to common allergens:

Such a rash on the cheeks of the newborn passes to the chin, sometimes covers the chest, back and forearms. It looks like scaly burns of bright red color. In the absence of therapy and correction of the menu of a nursing woman, the child's organism is constantly exposed to poisoning, the urticaria progresses, becomes wet or becomes crusty. In rare cases, a rash in a newborn appears on artificial feeding . Some mixtures contain proteins that provoke the described skin reactions in children with increased sensitivity to them.

Rash with dysbacteriosis in infants

The intestine of the baby is populated with the microflora necessary for proper digestion of the milk, assimilation of the chemical compounds contained in it. Rosemary-red rashes on the face of a newborn, identical to urticaria, may indicate a disturbance of the delicate balance between the necessary digestion and pathogenic microorganisms. This occurs against the background of allergic reactions and acute health problems, including the condition of the mother.

A dysbiotic rash on the cheeks of a baby often occurs after a curative course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Some pediatricians argue that the problem in question is caused by improper feeding of children. If the application is periodically postponed or alternated using synthetic mixtures, the child may experience negative skin reactions.

Causes of rash in newborns

The organism of the baby is still poorly adapted to life separately from the mother, so it reacts very sharply to the surrounding conditions. Eruptions in newborns are diagnosed taking into account their appearance, form and location, the presence of additional pathological symptoms. Experienced parents and pediatricians are able to determine the causes of the described problem even visually.

Rash on the face of the baby

In this area, multiple pimples often appear, irritation, flushing and flaking occur. A small rash on the face of a baby without inflammatory elements and comedones is an acne of newborns (neonatal or hormonal rashes). This is a normal process of gradual adaptation of the skin to external conditions, it will end within 1-3 months on its own.

There are other factors that cause a rash on the face of the baby - the reasons that are not related to endocrine functions:

Rash on the face and head of the baby

When the pathology spreads to the scalp, there may be two reasons for its occurrence. If the rash in the newborn on the face and head is identical in color to healthy skin and feels like roughness of the epidermis, it is acne. Such pimples will gradually disappear after 4-12 weeks. A red and inflamed rash on the chin of the baby, in the cheek, forehead and hair area indicates a progression of dermatitis. Because of the unsteady work of the sebaceous glands, newborns often suffer from seborrhea. It is also considered a normal and short-term phenomenon.

Rash on the neck of a baby

This type of eruption is observed mainly in summer and late spring, when it is very hot outside and in the rooms. A rash in a newborn is formed against a background of worsening thermoregulation and excessive sweating. It is especially pronounced if the clothing of the crumb is too tightly attached to its body or sewn from synthetic fabrics. Such a rash on the face and neck of the baby is called a sweating, it is easy to cope with if normalize the temperature regime of the baby and pick up his wardrobe.

Other causes of pimples on the neck and chest:

Rash on the abdomen of the baby

If the rash is concentrated only in the epigastric zone, it is better to immediately make an appointment with a pediatrician. The rash on the abdomen of a newborn can be a symptom of various pathologies that are difficult to differentiate on their own:

Rash on the legs of a baby

The lower part of the body is covered with eruptions, mainly due to sweating, insect bites and dermatitis. If a rash develops in the newborn on the abdomen and legs, it continues to spread and is accompanied by other clinical signs (itching, inflammation and anxiety), it is important to show the baby to the pediatrician. The causes of such pimples are too many to diagnose them yourself:

Rash on the priest in the baby

This is the most common problem of young parents who do not have experience in infant hygiene. Red and edematous rash in the newborn in the region of the ass and genitals appears against the backdrop of incorrect care and sweating. The skin of the baby preet due to constant contact with moist environment. The epidermis is irritated and covered first with spots, and then with pimples or pale blisters.

A rash under the diaper or along its contour is the result of the progression of diaper dermatitis. It is important to strictly monitor the child's thorough hygiene, wash it and treat the skin with a powder or a special cream. Changing diapers should be done frequently, preferably after each bowel movement. If the tender epidermis of the baby is in contact with urine and feces for a long time, pathogenic bacteria will multiply on it. These microorganisms suppress local immunity and provoke inflammatory processes on already irritated skin.

Sometimes the reason for this phenomenon is the improper selection of a diaper. Not all manufacturers of such children's products adhere to hygienic and sanitary norms. Many products are made from low-quality materials that can cause severe allergic reactions in newborns. In addition, check the compliance of the diaper size and the composition of the crumbs. In some cases, disposable underwear rubs the skin, which leads to damage, small wounds and inflammation.

Rash on the back of a baby

Presumptive causes of the described localization of rashes - sweating and diaper dermatitis. If the baby is constantly wet and his face, ears and neck turn red, thermoregulation is broken. This rash on the back of a newborn is easily eliminated if measures are taken to naturally cool the body. It is necessary to ensure the skin of the child frequent airing and arrange air baths, to put the baby only in natural "breathing" things.

Rash in the baby all over the body

The presence of generalized rashes of any form requires immediate treatment to a qualified specialist. A rash in a newborn on the body is a typical sign of infectious or serious systemic pathologies. The most common diseases:

  1. Sudden exanthema. Other names are roseola , a three-day fever. The disease has specific symptoms, according to which it is easy to diagnose. Exanthema begins with a sharp rise in temperature, which normalizes clearly after 72 hours. Immediately after the disappearance of the heat, large pink-red spots of rounded irregular shape appear throughout the body.
  2. Scarlet fever. Rashes have a bright scarlet color. First they cover the neck, back and thorax, after which they quickly spread through the rest of the zones. A rash of this type in a newborn presents a serious danger, when it appears, you must immediately call a doctor.
  3. Measles. Red and brown, protruding above the surface of the epidermis, large papules are first noticeable on the cheeks and behind the ears, then they gradually "descend" on the trunk and legs. These rashes are a positive symptom, indicative of the process of recovery.
  4. Chickenpox. Debut pathology - the formation of a large blister in the face. In a few hours, the pus with pus is present on the entire surface of the body. Over time, they burst, becoming covered with a dark crust.
  5. Violations of the circulatory system. Children under six months are often diagnosed with a vascular phenomenon of babies. This is a transient pathology, which is eliminated without special therapy. In the presence of vascular nodules, "mesh" or "stars" you need to immediately go to the doctor. Such signs can speak of pseudotuberculosis, acute deterioration of blood circulation and other dangerous conditions.