Classes on fitball with babies

Today, gymnastics for children is quite popular. In this case, some exercises are conducted using a special large ball - fitball . Classes on the fitball with the baby - a great way to strengthen the individual muscle groups of the baby. Along with this, training of the vestibular apparatus takes place in infants.

Activities on the ball, designed for infants, are built according to the age and physical characteristics of the baby. So shaking and vibrations contribute to the fact that there is relaxation of the muscles, and, in addition, improves the work of the internal organs of crumbs. The main advantage of such a gymnastic projectile, as fitball, is that to perform exercises on it with babies, no special training of parents is required.

How to choose a fitball for lessons with a baby?

Before buying a ball, you need to determine its size. Optimal is the diameter of 75 cm. Such a ball can be used for games when the baby grows up.

The next parameter is the allowable load. Most modern balls for fitness are able to withstand up to 300 kg, which is more than enough for classes with the child. Moreover, this ball can also be used by the mother, to restore the shape after childbirth.

When can I start?

Classes on the ball with a newborn child can begin with 2 weeks. In this case, the first exercises should be cautious and short. Before their beginning it is necessary to make to the kid small, easy massage which will allow to warm up muscles.

Put the ball on the floor and cover it with a diaper or a large towel. Then gently put the baby on the fitball and shake it. At this time observe the reaction of the crumbs. Such exercises should bring joy and pleasure to the child.

What exercises can be performed on fitball with an infant?

If the crumb reacted normally to the ball, you can start the exercises. At the same time, there are many exercises on fitball for newborns. Let's consider some of them.

  1. Rocking, lying on the stomach. The kid lies on the ball, his mother holds him by the back, and the second hand fixes the legs, pressing them to the fitball. Swing forward, backward, sideways and then in a circle.
  2. Wiggle in the supine position on the back. It is performed in the same way as described above.
  3. "Spring". The child is lying on his stomach, fixing the legs, clasping them in such a way that the fingers are located around the ankle. Then lightly press on the baby's ass. As a result, the body moves up and down like a spring.

These exercises are basic for newborns on fitbole and are a good prevention of colic in children, because the pressure of the ball on the tummy when wiggling, relaxes the muscles of the abdominal press, and also has a positive effect on the digestive process.