Drawings on the walls with your own hands

If you want to not only update the interior, but also make it absolutely unique, you will be helped by drawings on the walls made by yourself. In addition, this method is excellent saves money.

How to paint a wall if you are not an artist? Think this is impossible? If you want any art you will submit. Well, we'll show you how to use a brush in your own apartment.

Master class, how to draw a picture on the wall in your own home

Before you apply the drawing on the wall, practice on the cardboard. To do this, you will need to have brushes and paints on hand, a sketch for training, and a sheet of cardboard that you use to select colors. As for the density of the paint, it should be such that you can finish any element of the picture with just one stroke.

On a small brush with chamfered pile it is necessary to dial two colors and try to draw a straight line as long as possible. This is how we determine the density of paint, what it should be. Then try to draw an arc. Then we do the same arc, just hold the brush in the opposite direction. If you combine these two smears, you will notice that it turns out a rosebud.

Then with a broader brush with chamfered pile, we select the other two colors and draw the lines, checking the consistency of the paint.

Try to draw the waves of the pattern, which is shown in the picture. The principle is as follows: two - four waves - one petal.

We continue to draw internal petals. We try not to tear off the brush when drawing petals. If desired, you can not only draw petals white and pink, but also make tricolor, adding cream color.

Continue to draw the inner petals, as shown in the picture. And finish the last petal so that it covers a sheet of paper.

As for the green background, which you see in the picture, it can be done with a bast. You can use several shades of green. And that the middle of the flower looked realistic, you can take a harsh brush, dipped in the appropriate colors and just poke it in the middle.

Green leaves are drawn the same way as flowers. On a thin brush, two shades are applied and a smear is made, the width of which is regulated by pressing. To the top, let's add a thin part of the sheet. The main thing is to try to make both buds and leaves the same.

We learn to draw a leaf. It is painted by the same principle as the flowers, only the waves are more frequent. And in the end you need to rotate the brush so that the sharp tip of the sheet turns out.

A lot of "wandering" on the cardboard brush, you can take up work on the training sketch. At once different forms of leaves to draw, maybe it will not work out, but gradually you will master this simple art.

Although this is more advice. Using this technique, you can decorate not only walls, but also furniture, and vases.

Now you can take up stems and veins. To do this you will need a very fine brush.

And now take a simple pencil, dip it in black paint and paint the stamen flowers.

Take the shaved brush, dab it into the white paint and try the "poke" method to apply a pattern in the form of a lilac.

So, the picture is ready, now after training you can start painting the wall with a painting . But if you think this method is too complicated, there are stencil variants of drawings on the walls, which you can do very simply - just apply the stencil to the wall and then vary with colored paints.