Diabetes pills

Treatment of diabetes is carried out in a complex way. In the initial stage, dietary changes and light physical exercises are recommended. If this program was ineffective, they recommend pills for diabetes.

What is the effect of pills on diabetes?

All medicines used for this diagnosis can be differentiated into 3 main groups:

When should I take diabetes medications?

Self-treatment in this case is unlikely to benefit. Assigning the drug, the doctor relies on a previous medical history, the type of disease, the pathology stage. Therefore, what pills from diabetes mellitus will help in a particular case, you can not say for sure until the results of diagnosis. For example, tablets are shown exclusively for pathologies of the second type, with the first type of therapy performed by injecting insulin .

It is worth taking into account a significant nuance - some drugs aimed at stimulating the production of insulin, recently recognized as harmful. Due to excessive load, the pancreas wears out quickly and can not fully perform its functions. As a result, type 2 diabetes smoothly passes into pathology of the 1st type .

List of popular tablets from diabetes mellitus

The list of the most popular drugs can include:

  1. Tablets from a new generation of diabetes. These are drugs that allow you to control your appetite and reduce your carbohydrate dependence. However, the most widespread, however, was not tablets, but injections with preparations of Baeta and Victoria.
  2. Biguanides are drugs that stimulate insulin to promote sugar into cells. This group includes Glucophage, Fortamet.
  3. Thiazolidinediones reduce the amount of sugar produced by the liver and increase the sensitivity to insulin. This category includes Avandia and Aktos.
  4. Inhibitors of alpha-glucosidase, such as Glyset, slow the growth of sugar concentration.

It should be borne in mind that most drugs are designed for complex effects. For example, Aktos - pills that help in diabetes reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, myocardial infarction.