Why are the kidneys sore?

The body can not function normally without the kidneys. They are an important component of the excretory system, and are also responsible for homeostasis. Therefore, you can not ignore any, even the slightest, symptoms of disruption of this paired body. First and foremost, it is important to find out why the kidneys are aching, and what factors provoke the intensification of unpleasant sensations, to track when they appear most often.

Why do kidneys ache at night and in the morning?

If the awakening is felt discomfort, burning or pressure in the area of ​​the location of the kidneys, pain in the lower back, this means that the night on the urinary system was too much workload. A factor provoking such a state can be a copious amount of water, tea, drunk the day before, other liquids with a diuretic effect.

In addition, among the reasons why the kidneys are aching after sleep, the following are distinguished:

The listed diseases and pathological conditions, in addition to pain, are characterized by additional symptoms. Such as:

To establish the exact diagnosis it is possible only after consultation with the urologist or nephrologist, and also delivery of analyzes, ultrasound examination of organs. The fact that under the kidney disease can mask the pathology of other organs and systems, for example, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, inflammation of the appendix, intestines, herniated intervertebral disks, and others.

Why do the kidneys ache after the alcohol?

Any alcoholic beverages, especially when they are abused, adversely affect the excretory and urinary system. The decay products of ethanol are toxins that destroy cells not only of the liver, but also of the kidneys.

The most damaging effect is beer, as it has a strong diuretic effect, creating a maximum load on the urinary organs. In addition, the drink under consideration leads to a violation of the water-salt and acid-base balance, leaching out of potassium, magnesium, loss of vitamin C. As a result of the described processes, the organism undergoes constant intoxication with simultaneous deficiency of necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Why do the kidneys hurt during the months?

In fact, there is no correlation between the menstrual cycle and the pain syndrome in the kidneys.

The appearance of discomfort and discomfort during menstruation can be associated with inflammation of the appendages, cystitis, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system. In no way does the menstrual cycle affect the functioning of the kidneys and the urinary system.

To find out the exact cause of pain, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, do an intravaginal ultrasound, give a smear to a bacterial culture .