Auscultation of the lungs

Auscultation of the lungs is an uncomplicated medical procedure, for which a stethoscope is sufficient. This device allows you to hear noises and track the characteristics of breathing, it is actively used to diagnose diseases of the lungs, bronchi, circulatory system and heart. A doctor who performs auscultation of the lungs, not only must know the theory well, but also have a sensitive hearing.

The main points of auscultation of the lungs

Using the technique of auscultation of the lungs, it is possible to detect such diseases:

Diagnosis is based on listening to breathing at various points. Chryps and healthy noises can very accurately determine the nature of disruption of the respiratory system and the entire human body. There are two ways of auscultation:

In the first case, the auscultation points of the lungs are much larger, since the accuracy of listening is reduced. In the second case, the auscultation points are from eight to ten. During the examination, the doctor consistently listens to breathing in each of them, moving from the clavicular cavity to the sternum of the patient. It is necessary to go from one point to another symmetrically.

How is auscultation performed?

Usually the examination is carried out in a standing or sitting position. If this is not possible, the patient should be turned on his side. In order to avoid the supersaturation of the body with oxygen, breathing during auscultation should be moderately deep, feeling dizzy - go to the habitual manner of breathing. If it is difficult to breathe through your nose silently, it is suggested that you switch to breathing with your mouth. In general, the procedure includes four steps:

  1. Auscultation of the main points in the normal state. Even at this stage of the examination, it is possible to calculate such abnormalities as the presence of tumors or fluid. If the state of health is normal, auscultation of the lungs will show the presence of mild noises with inspiration and the first third of exhalation, similar to the sound of "f". Absence of noise is evidence of pathology.
  2. Auscultation with deep breathing. The most common auscultation of this type of lung is used for pneumonia. In the normal state, a sound corresponding to the sound "w" should be heard.
  3. Auscultation at a cough allows to concretise the diagnosis.
  4. Auscultation when changing body position is used to identify complex diseases in the initial stage.

Using the method of auscultation, it is possible to determine not only lung diseases, but also violations of the bronchial function. For this patient They ask me to say a few words in a low voice to study bronchophony. Since the voice vibrations with deviations sound somewhat differently, this is a very accurate method of diagnosis.

Doctors who conduct the procedure, there are several secrets of successful auscultation. Before going to the patient, you should spend 5 minutes in complete silence. During the procedure itself, unwanted sounds are also undesirable. This will help not to miss suspicious noises, wheezing , or lack of them. Therefore, if you see that there are no proper conditions for successful auscultation of the lungs, ask the doctor to come to you a little later, so as not to make a mistake with the diagnosis.