Why pulls the bottom of the stomach?

Once on the forum of one of the many women's sites was raised an interesting question. A young woman asked why in the morning the lower abdomen is strongly drawn, then to the right, then to the left, and even the temperature is. In fact, what kind of attack is this? It became interesting to know what more enlightened forum girls think about this. And that's what opinions were expressed there.

Ovulatory syndrome

In the opinion of so many women, the main reason why it hurts and pulls the lower abdomen to the right or left is the ovulatory syndrome. Especially it is typical for women who have given birth. Many people say: "Now I do not need to follow the cycle days, I know for sure when the ovule from the follicle fired." And here, most likely there is nothing special. Pure physiology. The egg cell under the influence of estrogens ripens and grows inside the follicle on the ovary. And when in the middle of the menstrual cycle time comes to go out to her outside, the walls of the follicle burst. Through the resulting gap, in addition to the oocyte, a small portion of blood also leaves, because the rupture of the follicle is also a microtrauma. It is this fact that can cause painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and even a slight rise in temperature.

Premenstrual syndrome

The second, quite a large group of women, told their interlocutors that the reason why it still hurts and pulls the lower abdomen may be the so-called premenstrual syndrome. And I must say that some of these pains are simply turned off for a few days, until they begin, and they do not pass monthly. Ladies just do not get out of bed for days. This troubling process is connected again with physiology. If in the middle of the cycle, when the egg leaves the follicle, fertilization has not occurred, then the inner shell of the uterus is preparing to die and come out with blood. Branching it is often accompanied by strong spasms of uterine musculature, almost like in childbirth. It is these cramping contractions that bring painful sensations and reduce them only with pills and complete rest.


On the third place among the opinions, why it hurts and pulls the lower abdomen on the right, there was an assumption about the inflammation of the appendix of the small intestine. In simple terms, there was appendicitis. And this will be more serious than the previous two opinions. If you ignore this option, the consequences can be deplorable. In the old years, when doctors did not have enough, and the level of knowledge of the population desired the best, they even died of appendicitis. So, if the nature of the pain, in your opinion, is not related to the menstrual cycle, you should immediately seek medical help.

Inflammation of appendages

Still remembered and such ailment as inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. At the given diseases too strongly strongly hurts and pulls the bottom of a stomach or belly, and the rise in temperature happens quite often. Although, if you watch yourself, dress in the weather and try not to allow hypothermia, this trouble can be easily avoided.

Other ailments, and not only women

Finally, the ladies were generous and remembered about the men. It turned out that in the representatives of the strong half of humanity, the lower abdomen can also hurt. Here is a list of the main reasons. In the first place was, sorry, constipation. Then came the turn of the intestines, then the men regretted a little. And, finally, we remembered about the most interesting, about the diseases of the genitourinary sphere. A little conferencing, the women came to the conclusion that here, too, without pain, can not do. Yes, on that topic and closed.

Moral of this fable

But although the topic is closed, it still benefits to this day. Here will fall on this thread some other girl, read, think. You look, and the question, why pulls the bottom of the abdomen, for it will remain only a theory. For if she turns out to be clever, she will not allow practice. And in general, dear ladies, take care of yourself and love your men, take care of each other and be happy. And all sorts of sores there remain to be just an excuse for the crowds on the forums.