Chills without fever

Chills without fever is a symptom of a number of diseases. In fact, the feeling of cold, accompanied by trembling of muscles, the appearance of goosebumps and the involuntary clench of teeth - a protective reaction that arises in the body to increase blood circulation.

Causes of fever without fever

The occurrence of chills at normal temperature is caused by various causes. Let's consider the most probable of them.


The advice in this case is the most banal - one should dress or take cover warmly and drink a hot tonic drink: tea, coffee, mulled wine, etc.

Hormonal disbalance

Constant sensation of cold is characteristic for violations of the thyroid gland and endocrine system. In case of suspected thyroid disease, you should seek advice from an endocrinologist, take tests for hormones, and drink the medicines prescribed by a specialist.

Stress, fright, emotional excitement, excitement

Help to overcome the stressful condition of sedatives based on herbs (tincture of motherwort, hawthorn, valerian root, etc.) and respiratory gymnastics.

High blood pressure

Chills at high pressure is a signal about the presence of a serious disease - hypertension, which can lead to hypertensive crisis or stroke. Without the help of a specialist who prescribes appropriate medication, in this case is indispensable.


Chills without fever and aching in the bones are often observed in the initial stage of some infectious diseases, including ARVI and influenza. The temperature will appear a little later, but for the time being signs of a beginning illness are also a runny nose, stuffy nose and cough. A prolonged chill can indicate scarlet fever, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other dangerous infections that people have infected.


Tourists who visited exotic countries sometimes complain of a severe chill without temperature, unbearable headache, general weakness, sleep disturbance. Most likely, the person has picked up a malaria . Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since the disease represents a real threat to life.


The cause of chills without temperature in women can be menopausal syndrome. In this case, the tremor from the cold is replaced by hot flashes, the menstrual cycle is broken, sweating and irritability are noted. How to relieve the state of health in menopause, a gynecologist will advise, which should be addressed. This is especially important, because similar manifestations are observed with serious hormonal disorders in the body - diabetes and hyperthyroidism.


Chills and nausea without temperature, indigestion can be a sign of intoxication and intestinal infection. It is recommended to use absorbing agents (activated carbon, enterosgel, etc.), which remove toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals from the body.

Raynaud's syndrome

The state of chills, accompanied by periodic mixing of hands, is associated with Raynaud's disease - vasospasm. This is not a dangerous disease, but it causes considerable inconvenience in the form of a violation of the coordination of the hands, a feeling of unpleasant cold in the hands. To overcome the state of discomfort in this case should be kept hands in the heat and use additional thermoelements (electric heating pad, etc.). Also, to permanently get rid of an unpleasant symptom, doctors are advised to inject Botox.

Chills without temperature - what to do?

As you have seen, the chills in the body are often not such an inoffensive phenomenon as it seems at first glance. Prolonged chills, as well as recurrent attacks of such a symptom are a serious reason for contacting a therapist who will not only conduct an examination, but also prescribe the appropriate laboratory and hardware examination.