Concussion - treatment at home

When the head and solid object collide, the brain also experiences damage by hitting the walls of the cranium from the inside. As a result of such an injury, there is a swelling of the soft tissues, a violation of most of the basic functions of the organ and a worsening of the circulation. The combination of these problems is characterized as concussion - treatment in the home of this pathology is possible, but only after a thorough examination and with the permission of the doctor.

Help with concussion in the home

Regardless of the strength of the stroke and the severity of the symptoms of brain damage, it is necessary to immediately call a team of specialists and perform the following activities:

  1. To examine a person for bleeding wounds, if any, you need to treat them and bandage them.
  2. Help the victim to lie down (if he is conscious), head to the elevation.
  3. Do not allow the patient to fall asleep at least 40-60 minutes, preferably before the arrival of medical personnel. He also can not get up, walk and actively move.
  4. Attach a packet of ice to your head or something very cold.
  5. If a person has lost consciousness, turn it to the right side, face to the floor or ground, and head back up. The left extremities should be bent at right angles.

It is important that the victim was necessarily taken to the hospital and examined:

Only in the course of instrumental studies can we draw conclusions about the severity of the damage. Otherwise, it is easy not to notice a serious concussion, because the insidiousness of the trauma under consideration is that its symptoms often manifest much later.

If the violations are not strong, doctors usually do not object to home therapy. But in such cases it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the specialist and attend routine inspections.

Treatment of a slight concussion of the brain at home

For a full and rapid recovery you will need:

  1. For at least 3 days stay in absolute peace - do not watch TV, do not use a computer, a smartphone or tablet, do not read and even less communicate. It is allowed only to listen quietly to the music, but not in the headphones.
  2. Observe the bed rest at least 72 hours, ideally - 5 days. Sleep for a long time, not less than 9-10 hours.
  3. Avoid any emotions, emotional shocks, including positive events.
  4. Do not include bright lights in the room, on sunny days, curtain the windows with curtains, creating a semi-darkness.
  5. Adhere to the milk and vegetable diet, limiting the consumption of salt.

If you do not ignore the listed recommendations, the improvement in general condition will come in 2-3 days, and a week later the state of health completely comes to normal.

How to cure a concussion in the home?

Naturally, in addition to diet and diet, you need different medications. It is important that they are appointed by a specialist, an independent selection of even national means is dangerous.

With a standard course of treatment of concussion in the home, such drugs and drugs are used:

1. Painkillers:

2. Calming:

3. Against dizziness:

4. Tranquilizers:

5. Sleeping Pills:

6. Nootropics:

7. Vascular:

8. Antioxidants:

9. Against asthenia:

10. Toning: