Exercise "birch" - good and bad

For sure, each of us remembers how in school in physical education we were taught to do an exercise "birch", about the benefits and harms of which we did not think in those years.

In fact, the "pose of all parts of the body," "candle" or sarvangasana, as it is also called in hatha yoga, is considered a true elixir of youth and beauty. Regular execution of such a stand a couple of minutes a day can create real miracles with our body. About what the "birch" exercise is useful, you will learn from this article.

Benefit and harm of exercise "birch"

Ideally, this is a pose in which the back of the neck, shoulders and neck are on the floor, and the rest of the body is exactly vertically fixed. Thus, most of the muscles are involved in the process.

The main benefit of the birch exercise is its beneficial effect on the work of the heart and strengthening of the muscle itself, namely the left ventricle. In addition, sarvangasana helps to get rid of circulatory disorders in the brain. Due to the inverted position of the body through the vertebral artery, the blood flow to the occipital part of the head increases. It helps to get rid of headaches, improves skin color, facial neck, relieves fatigue and helps prevent thyroid disease.

The greater benefit of the exercise "birch" is manifested in the healing of the back. This position of the body strengthens the upper muscles of the torso, improves the flexibility of the spine, which ensures the health of all internal organs. Performing a "candle" for 1 to 2 minutes a day helps to eliminate diseases of the pelvic organs, prevent constipation, digestive problems and curvature of the spine. For weight loss exercise "birch" is important to carry out regularly. Since this position of the body helps to make a flat stomach, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, eliminate the deposition of salts, relieve pressure on the abdominal cavity and adjust the work of the intestine, weight loss will occur more quickly and efficiently.

To acute contraindications to the exercise "birch" refers to the presence of inguinal hernia. It is also not advisable to perform sarvngasana during menstruation and on "cold" muscles.