Weather in India by Month

India is an ancient state located in South Asia on the Indian subcontinent. Every year a large number of tourists visit this country. And everyone will be able to find something for themselves and get a lot of new impressions.


The weather by month in India varies considerably in different parts of the country. For example, snow can be seen only in the Himalayas, and in the south the air temperature practically does not drop below 30 ° C throughout the year.


In January, the weather in India by local standards is pretty cool. However, for tourists from northern countries, the air temperature of 25-30 ° C in the south of the country is optimal for a pleasant beach holiday. In the north of India at the same time it can become cold to 0 ° C.


The average temperature in this month can be 20-22 ° C. However, in southern resorts, such as Goa, the air warms up to 30 ° C. The weather in India in February will also please fans of snow. In the Himalayas in this period is very beautiful.


In early spring, the temperature begins to rise. It is already 28-30 ° C in the daytime, at night it can be a little cooler. In March, the weather in India can be called favorable for beach holidays.


In April, it becomes too hot in India. Temperature of 40 ° C in the south and in the central part of the country can cause inconvenience to tourists. In addition, over the entire month, rain can not fall out even once.


The air in May is still warm to 35-40 ° C. Because of the low humidity during this period, the heat is transferred better. By the end of spring, the first precipitation begins to precipitate, foreshadowing the approaching rainy season.


With the beginning of summer monsoon rains come with a strong wind. Planning a holiday in India in June is only possible in the southern regions of the country. There the presence of the cyclone is felt less.


In summer, the weather in India is changing. The humidity rises considerably, and it becomes more difficult to transfer high temperatures. Tropical rain continues to go almost daily.


To heavy rains and high humidity in August, there is also a thick cloud cover. The air temperature may begin to drop gradually, bringing a little coolness. But high humidity still makes you feel uncomfortable. Rest in India at the end of summer is better in the mountains. There is practically no sense of monsoon presence.


With the onset of the fall, the cyclone begins to recede. The air cools down to 25-30 ° C. The tourists begin to come to the south and to the center of the country.


By this month, the rainy season ends. Humidity drops, and temperatures of 30 ° C become much easier. In autumn, the number of tourists in India significantly increases.


November is one of the best months for a beach holiday in India. But from a trip to the mountains it is better to refuse. By the end of the autumn there is a lot of snow.


In winter, the weather in India attracts a large number of tourists from northern countries. Heat and heat are replaced by more comfortable temperatures. On average, the air warms up to 20-23 ° C, but in southern resorts it can be a little warmer.