Pills to reduce appetite

Today, a joke is popular that the main desire of all women is to eat anything, not to get better from it. In part this is true, since most women over the age of 20 are facing weight problems. Instead of accepting a decrease in metabolism and switching to proper nutrition , some look for appetite pills that should replace natural willpower and protect against frequent eating and overeating. In the struggle for harmony, few people think that the use of such drugs harms health.

Tablets to reduce appetite: effects

In medicine, pills that suppress appetite are commonly called "anorectics." They are special chemical compounds that act directly on the appetite center in the brain, suppressing its natural activity.

In parallel with this, there is an effect on the saturation center, which, in turn, must constantly give signals. As a result of these complex chemical reactions, the person taking such pills will lose the feeling of hunger, but he feels the satiety very quickly. Because of this, the amount of food consumed decreases, and as a consequence, the weight decreases.

In addition to this very dangerous form of drugs, which has a lot of side effects, there are tablets to suppress appetite from microcellulose (MSC). Getting into the stomach, they swell and occupy maximum space, because of which the brain itself gives a signal of saturation, without additional chemical stimulation. This is a fairly harmless way of suppressing appetite, but it is worth studying the contraindications carefully: coarse fiber is harmful in ulcers, gastritis and some other diseases of this sphere.

Side effects of diet pills, beating the appetite

If the MCC tablets almost do not cause side effects when properly applied, then the anorectics, on the contrary, give quite a lot of undesirable consequences:

As a rule, these effects appear not immediately, but in a few days, as the substance accumulates in the body. It should also be taken into account that long-term administration (more than 2-3 weeks) provokes abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Who should take the pills that kill the appetite?

Many girls who need to lose only 5-10 kilograms, are looking for this pill, although in just 2-3 months of proper nutrition this weight will come back to normal without any negative consequences. The doctor in this case will never recommend additional drugs.

Any pills for loss of appetite were initially created for those who already have a 2-3 stage of obesity. In this condition, excess weight inhibits the work of all internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system and against this background the potential harm from tablets is not so terrible.

Tablets to reduce appetite: examples

And now, many of the drugs-anorectics, which were freely sold some time ago, were removed from production and banned for sale, as they caused serious disturbances in the functioning of the body and the psyche (in particular, several cases of psychosis are known). Among the dangerous preparations you can recall "Lida", "Izolipan".

Currently, you can buy drugs such as "Trimex" and "Meridia." However, the action of the former has not been sufficiently studied yet, and, taking it, you put on an experiment, and Meridia gives quite serious side effects. If only you are not the most extreme case, it is worthwhile to think many times before turning to such substances.