Vegetable salad for weight loss

For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but do not go hungry, there is a whole category of excellent dishes - vegetable salads for weight loss. They can be eaten in almost any quantity and at the same time lose weight. The secret is that the calorie content of a vegetable salad is very low: from 30 calories to 80 per 100 grams on average. With the help of additional components, you can make them more nourishing and diverse. Of course, it is necessary to prepare such vegetable salads by prescription without mayonnaise.

  1. Vegetable salad with egg (57 calories per 100 grams). For such a salad, we need: 1/4 cabbage, 1 cucumber, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons. spoons of natural yogurt. All cut into thin pieces and season with yoghurt (natural, unsweetened and without additives, of course). Easy dinner is ready!
  2. Vegetable salad with chicken (72 calories per 100 grams). For this salad you need 2 tomatoes, 1/3 of the cabbage, 1/2 boiled chicken breast, 1 Bulgarian pepper, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Thinly cut cabbage, tomato and pepper into small slices, chicken - slices. Make a dressing, mixing lemon juice and butter. Done! To add this exotic taste to the salad, add a little soy sauce to the dressing and sprinkle portions of sesame seeds.
  3. Vegetable salad with cabbage (36 calories per 100 grams - the easiest vegetable salad). For this salad we need: 1 fork of cabbage, 200 g of fresh or frozen cranberries, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1/4 cup 5% vinegar, 2 cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Shred cabbage, do not crush. Top with garlic and cranberries. Oil with the vinegar and salt bring to a boil, stirring, and pour boiling over the salad. Stir. You can eat right away, but if the salad is stored for several days, it will only taste better.
  4. Simple vegetable salad (51 calories per 100 grams). For cooking you need: 1 Bulgarian pepper, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 head onion, a bunch of greens, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. All the randomly cut, mix, pour oil. For a change, you can add marinated cucumbers.

In order to lose weight, take the rule to replace your usual dinner with a dietary vegetable salad. This is a simple, easy and very effective method of losing weight. And if you replace salads with 2 meals a day, the effect will come much faster! The main thing - to eat so you need it all the time. By this you reduce the caloric content of the diet and lose weight without exhausting hunger.