What is after a workout to lose weight?

In our society of consumption, more and more people are overweight - victims of advertising chocolate, hypercaloric nutrition or "unsportsmanlike" way of life. And it's good that more and more people are trying to fix this situation not with the help of miracle pills and "magic" diets, but with the help of training that not only, in fact, helps to reduce weight, but also strengthens health, prevents the skin from losing weight bodies to hang, are a good habit and a worthy option of leisure.

That's just the myths of losing weight more than the truth. Every person with excess weight heard their sea and chose for themselves the most likable.

Here, for example, there is a popular opinion that the diet after a workout for weight loss for women is forbidden by anyone: two hours you can not eat anything. Say, then the body, which needs self-recovery energy, therefore, will burn fat. And then you can eat protein food, for example, meat with vegetables. You should not believe such "specialists" because the vegetables are carbohydrates , and if a person does not know about this, he is hardly a good nutritionist and can give meaningful advice.

Power after strength training for girls

For women, as for men, food should certainly include proteins, because it is a building material for muscles. But the body receives energy from carbohydrates, not from proteins and from its own fat. But carbohydrates are different in carbohydrates. Therefore, the advice of other experts on healthy eating - to drink a glass of juice with a sandwich - is questionable. Is that it means vegetable juice, and not fruit juice. Because any fruit juice contains "fast" carbohydrates, which just lie on the buttocks and on the stomach as NZ. It is better to eat an apple whole, then the digestion of cellulose will not let the sugar quickly slip. And the calories for digesting an apple, in comparison with apple juice, will go much more, which means that the stomach will remain less.

What you need to eat after a workout to lose weight?

This question can be answered with confidence: proteins are exactly necessary. But the dark question is, is it possible after eating to lose weight something from carbohydrates, remains unanswered. Disputes around this issue persist.

Some believe that carbohydrates can be eaten only after 4 hours, otherwise they will burn, and subcutaneous fat - no. Others - on the contrary, think that carbohydrates should be eaten immediately, you can even "fast." I would like to sort this out a little.

Food, as everyone knows, consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are found in animal food, but they are also found in plant (in the first place, in legumes). Vegetable protein is poorly absorbed by the body, but it is the only source of protein for the strict vegetarians and the fasting. Proteins are the building material for the human body.

Carbohydrates are found in plant foods. This, in fact, sugar. They can be "fast" (refined, juice, cookies) and "slow" (raw vegetables, cereal from unshrubed cereals). Carbohydrates are energy. "Fast" raise sugar in the blood and are stored in reserve, if they are not quickly used up. "Slow" in an adequate amount increases only energy, and slowly. Why can not they be eaten? Can you see people who are fat, eating only cucumber and celery? And this is also carbohydrate food.

What of it is necessary to eat after training for growing thin ? Yes, seemingly, reasoning logically, you can eat "slow" carbohydrates or the same banana, for example. You need to choose low-fat food, and, of course, low-calorie. Much will depend on what goals you are pursuing besides losing weight.

Some information about nutrition for the trainees