How to eat honey?

Honey is a valuable food product, which is a partially processed bee organism with floral nectar. Because of the undoubted benefits of honey even eat thin people. How to properly eat honey and not get better dieticians.

How to take honey in the morning?

Proper use of honey speeds up the metabolism , activates the immune system, gives the body energy, improves digestion, saturates the body with essential vitamins, elements and enzymes. The main rule is not to add honey to hot liquids. at a temperature above 40 degrees, honey loses all its useful qualities.

Honey perfectly matches with various floral and herbal teas, in which it is not recommended to add ordinary sugar. Losing weight people dieticians recommend taking honey in the morning, if you want to know how to do it correctly, use the following method. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in warm water and add a few mint leaves or 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice (do not get carried away with juice if you have high stomach acidity). Drink the mixture on an empty stomach, after 20-30 minutes you can have breakfast.

It helps to lose weight and ginger tea with honey. For its preparation, brew a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of ground ginger root, allow the mixture to stand and cool. Then add the juice of one orange or grapefruit and a teaspoon of honey. This drink should also be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Honey with proper nutrition

Despite the high caloric value of honey, this product is recommended to include in the diet of dieters. Naturally, you need honey in very small quantities, in which case you will get useful substances, but do not gain extra pounds. The daily norm of honey for slimming is 1 teaspoon. There is honey right in the morning, as in this case it can digest and be consumed by the body.

Proper use of honey satisfies the body's need for sweetness and saturates the brain with carbohydrates. These options are excellent breakfasts that do not harm the figure:

Honey for weight loss

Honey helps to lose weight and when used externally, for example, as one of the ingredients of wraps. Most often, honey is mixed with mustard or pepper, applied to problem areas - the stomach and thighs, wrapped in film and covered with a blanket for 20-30 minutes. Such wraps activate the metabolism in the subcutaneous tissue and accelerate the burning of fat due to a strong thermal effect.

To get rid of excess fat on the stomach can and with the help of honey massage. For this procedure, lie on your back, put on your palm 1 dining room a spoonful of honey and start to do a stomach massage with patting movements. The palms will stick to the skin, which is painful enough. When honey becomes white, it can be washed off the skin of the hands and stomach. Honey massage helps tighten the skin and accelerate fat burning.

Contraindications to the use of honey

Do not use honey for allergies to pollen and other components of this biologically active product. Give up honey and with acute kidney disease, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. In chronic diseases, honey can be taken as a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and restorative.