Honey in combs - good and bad

Honey in honeycomb is a delicacy that has always been popular not only in children, but also in adults. However, despite the natural origin, this product can bring not only good, but harm. In detail about the benefits and harms of honey in honeycomb - further in the article!

Is honey useful in combs?

Cellular honey is the most useful of all the currently existing types of this delicacy. Such honey can not be faked. If we talk about whether it is possible to eat honeycombs from honey, then the answer to this question is unambiguous - it is possible. And if it is more precise, then it is possible and necessary. In the honeycomb itself contains a number of substances useful to the body. This is natural propolis, and wax, zabrus, pollen and perg . True, the wax after chewing, better spit it out. Although chew it is still worth it, because. it has a positive effect on the oral cavity, preventing inflammation, strengthening teeth and gums, and also - quickly healing wounds. Promotes this procedure and teeth whitening. So, thinking about how to use honey in honeycomb - just chew it with honeycombs!

Cellular honey contains such essential substances as fructose, glucose, vitamins C and B, as well as organic acids, phytoncides, albuminoids, pigments, amino acids and proteins. The level of each of these substances may vary depending on the plant-honey.

The use of honey in honeycombs for human health is simply invaluable. It can strengthen immunity, normalize the work of the intestinal tract, heal wounds, remove inflammation, kill bacteria and fungi. Also, honey is a good soothing agent. Due to the high content of pollen, honey is able to slow down the aging processes, both skin and the whole organism. It is useful for infectious diseases, leukemia and cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and eyes. As for the latter, honey, being a sterile product, does not harm the shell of the eye. Therefore, it can be buried in the eyes for the treatment of conjunctivitis, cataracts, etc.

Honey is also important in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. If you regularly consume honeycomb honey, then very soon your heart will become much healthier. Similarly, this product acts on the nervous system, curing insomnia and headaches. By the way, natural honey has always been and remains an integral part of the ration of athletes of various directions, since it is able not only to stabilize the work of the heart, but also to substantially increase the working capacity of the organism as a whole. Cellular honey is suitable for people suffering from diabetes , because it is a full-fledged substitute for sugar, to all other things, by winning its rival for taste. Also, honey will help to normalize metabolic processes and in parallel - to lower the level of cholesterol.

Harm to honey in honeycombs

Contraindicated honeycomb to people who are intolerant of this product. If this is not observed, note that for treatment it is best to use honey dissolved in a small amount of water. Like any product that has medicinal properties, honey should be consumed cautiously, in accordance with the individual dosages prescribed by the attending physician. The consequences of overeating this at first glance, quite harmless treats can be unpredictable, but almost always - extremely deplorable. So, gentlemen of the sweet tooth, take a great interest in it, and also - engage in "honey" self-medication without first consulting a doctor, in this case, not worth it!