Ryazhenka - calorie content

Ryazhenka is obtained by squashing ghee. Homeland of this sour milk product is considered to be Ukraine.

Production and application of burger

In industrial production, the process of fermentation of the product takes much less time than at home preparation. Due to the use of fermented milk fermentation lasts only 4.5 hours. The result is a finished product that does not need any additives. Ryazhenka can be drunk and in pure form, and adding berries or cottage cheese . It can be taken as a basis in the preparation of pancakes, pancakes or pies. This sour milk product is sometimes used in the preparation of cocktails.

How to choose the right fermented woman?

On the shelves of shops, fermented burger can be found in varying degrees of fat content. First of all, it's important to pay attention to the expiration date. Then it is necessary to study the composition of the product. Natural ryazhenka should not contain dyes, stabilizers, preservatives, flavoring and flavoring additives. Sometimes it is made from dry or skim milk, enriched with vegetable fats. Also it is worth paying attention to the container in which the fermented woman is sold. The best option is glass or other solid packaging. The product in the soft bag may have an incorrect consistency.

How many calories are in a fermented woman?

Caloric content of ryazhenka depends on the percentage of its fat content. For example, calories in a fermented 1% fat - 40. Ryazhenka 2.5% contains 54 kcal, in 4% - 67 kcal, and in 6% - 85 kcal. Relatively low caloric content makes it possible to use fermented milk when losing weight.

Ingredients and benefits of ryazhenka

Since the fermented milk contains large quantities of phosphorus and calcium , it is very useful for the skin, nails, hair, musculoskeletal system and mucous membranes. It is useful for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly.