Fried eggs in a microwave oven

Fried eggs are a well-known dish, which is perfect for breakfast. You can cook it with everything: with vegetables, with bacon, with mushrooms, with chicken and even potatoes and olives. We will tell you today how to make a tasty and hearty scrambled eggs in the microwave.

Fried eggs in a microwave in a mug



A piece of fresh bread cut into small cubes. Tomatoes washed and shredded in small pieces. We are rinsing the greens. Finely chopped, and grind the cheese on a grater. In a mug we spread a piece of butter, slices of bread, tomatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese and greens. All add salt to taste and mix well. On top carefully break the chicken egg, pepper it lightly and send the scrambled eggs for 1.5 minutes into the microwave, turning it on full power. Ready dish is decorated with chopped herbs and served in a warm state for breakfast.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes in the microwave



A small mold for microwave, with high bumps, smeared with oil. Onions and tomatoes are rinsed, wiped with a towel and cut into small pieces. Pour the vegetables into a container, throw the green peas and mix everything thoroughly. On top, water the vegetables with a spoonful of cream.

Above we break the egg, trying not to damage the yolk. Solim and pepper to taste. We pour in another spoon of cream, cover with a lid and send it to the microwave. We turn on the device for the greatest power and detect about 3-4 minutes. If you like the yolk thicker, then increase the cooking time by about a minute. We sprinkle the eggs with fresh finely chopped herbs, and serve them to the table.

Fried eggs in a microwave in a tomato



At tomatoes, carefully cut off the tip and gently take out the pulp with the spoon along with the seeds. We do not throw out the lids, save them for feeding, but leave the flesh and use it, for example, to prepare various sauces. Tomatoes from the inside are salted and peppered to taste. Then in each tomato, drive one fresh egg and add some more salt. We send the blanks into a container and send it to the microwave to prepare. We mark about 4 minutes and put the device at full capacity, but remember that time usually depends on the size of tomatoes and eggs, as well as on the desired readiness of the yolk. While the eggs are cooking, chop the finely fresh greens. We put the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle with fresh herbs, and add a few drops of olive oil. We serve scrambled eggs in a hot form and call everyone for breakfast.

Fried eggs in bread in microwave oven



Black bread is cut into thin slices, carefully make a hole in the center of each piece, at the request we remove the crust from them and put them into special microwave dishes. Then add a few spoons of butter and bake for about a minute at full capacity. Eggs break on top of bread, pour low and sprinkle with grated cheese. We prepare sandwiches of minute 2, interrupting every 30 seconds. Put the eggs in the bread on the plate and enjoy a fine breakfast from the microwave.