Nourishing face cream

Nutrition of the skin is the guarantee of female beauty. Moreover, the widely held belief that a nourishing cream is needed only for a person after 40, was completely refuted by cosmetologists. Due to constant stresses, environmental influences and bad habits, the skin may begin to wilt considerably earlier than you expected. And so that this does not happen, she needs additional support and care - for example, with the help of a nourishing cream. If you do not trust store analogues or want to make sure of the naturalness of the components of your cream, you will find useful tips on how to prepare a nourishing face cream at home.

To begin with, let's see what is included in the composition of a good cream. First, every nourishing face cream is initially moisturizing. And also in its composition, as additional elements, useful substances that restore the skin. That is why it is extremely important to choose a cream that is suitable for your skin type, to supply it with the most necessary elements and give a blossoming look.

Nourishing cream for dry skin

This type of skin requires close attention of its owner, because the drawbacks inherent in dry skin (for example, peeling) arise precisely because of a lack of moisture and nutrition.

  1. One of the simplest creams, which also has a lifting effect, is as follows: dissolve the pork fat on a water bath and add castor oil in a 10: 1 ratio. Apply the mixture on your face for about 15 minutes, then remove the rest of the cream with a paper towel. Attention: the cream is stored no more than 14 days at a temperature of up to + 5 ° C.
  2. And this home nourishing cream will help restore your face a natural color and a natural blush: rub one egg yolk with a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of honey. Add 1 teaspoon of persimmon fruit paste and apply the cream on your face. After half an hour, remove the rest of the mixture with a tissue. Shelf life of this cream is 2 days.

Nourishing cream for oily skin

Skin prone to fat, you need much more nutrients and moisturizing than dry and normal to regulate the release of fat. Honey perfectly copes with this task, and therefore is part of the following nourishing face cream: rub 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, egg yolk. 1 tbsp. spoon of plum puree and 1 teaspoon of honey and apply the cream for 20-35 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Nourishing cream for combination skin

  1. This gentle face cream will make your skin tender and velvety. Aloe powder rub with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, add 20 g of rose water and 40 g of mineral water without gas. Heat the mixture in a water bath, gradually adding 100 g of lard. The mass should melt and achieve uniformity, but not overheat. Then cool the cream and store at a temperature of no higher than +5 ° C.
  2. The combined skin of the face is beneficially affected by spermacetic nutritious creams based on oils and fats. Here is one of them: 3 pieces of spermaceta combine with two parts of peach oil. In two parts of the water, melt 1 part of the wax by heating the mixture in a water bath. Mix everything in a homogeneous mass. You use it as an ordinary day cream.

But what kind of nourishing cream can I offer for problem skin

This cream-mask for face with mummies (a mixture of organic and inorganic substances, gathering in the cracks of rock rocks) will help you in the fight against black dots and inflammations. Dissolve the mummy with a decoction of marigold in the proportion 1:10. The cream should acquire the consistency of liquid sour cream. Apply the cream for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with warm water.

Night Nourishing Cream for any skin type

This universal formula will saturate your skin with essential substances during sleep, so that in the morning you look great: olive, almond oil and peach seed oil mix with beeswax and warm in a water bath so that the wax melts. Boiling water dissolve the boric acid powder and connect the two substances. Whisk the mixture and let it cool. All the ingredients of this nourishing night face cream are taken in the same proportion.

We hope that these recipes will help you in daily care of yourself and preserve your beauty. Be always dazzling!