Cream of freckles in the pharmacy

For some reason, in the hope of buying a cream from freckles, many women rush not to a pharmacy, or a large cosmetic store, but to a counter with dietary supplements and some dubious means. Meanwhile, in official cosmetology, quite a lot of drugs are designed to combat skin pigmentation and prevent freckles.

Choose a cream from freckles in the pharmacy

The most famous today for the cream against freckles, Achromin, can only be purchased at the pharmacy. This is a real remedy, so use it with caution and strict instructions. First of all, Achromin carries a protective function, preventing the appearance of hyperpigmentation associated with exposure to sunlight. However, with regular application, it significantly brightens the already existing pigment spots and freckles. Here is a short list of testimonies:

The cream should be applied to clean skin, tonic treated, twice a day. A month later you will feel a lasting effect. Please note that this tool can affect the hormonal background .

Also in the pharmacy you can buy a whitening cream from freckles URIAGE Depiderm Intensive Depicting Skincare. This remedy solves all problems with pigmentation, acts quickly and does not harm the skin. The composition of the cream is:

Almost the same composition of acids and chemical elements in most bleaching agents, but not all of them contain additional vitamin supplements.

In the pharmacy and specialized cosmetic shops you can buy a domestic analogue of the cream from Uryazh - one of the products for bleaching the skin from VITEX. In the series there is a day, night cream, mask. This efficient and, most importantly, inexpensive tool is by far the best in the mass market category.

What other cream helps with freckles?

Not much is worth the cream against freckles and pigment spots from "Cora", as well as the cream "Before and After" for bleaching the skin. Both agents have an acid in the high concentration, so in summer they are not recommended. The advantages of these products include a low price and a satisfactory effect with prolonged use.

For the title of the best cream for freckles to date, fighting two cosmetics from the category of "luxury". It: