Types of character accentuation

The scientist K. Leonhard introduced the idea of ​​12 types of character accentuations. This concept involves the excessive manifestation of certain personality traits or specific combinations. Accentuation is always the limit of the norm, a manifestation to the extreme, a fine line between character and pathology in the psychotherapeutic sense of the word. Types of character accentuation characterize certain inclinations and characteristics of a person.

Existing types

  1. Cycloid - the type of accentuation, in which the positive and negative mood alternates, and usually the periods differ in duration.
  2. Hypertensive - type of accentuation, which is always characterized by a cheerful mood, but at the same time - the desire to undertake dozens of cases simultaneously and none of them to complete.
  3. Labile is a type of character accentuation, in which a sudden and sharp change in mood occurs in a person, depending on the situation.
  4. Asthenic - type of accentuation, which characterizes the propensity to depression and despondency, rapid fatigue, irritability.
  5. Sensitive is a type of accentuation of character, in which a person is distinguished by impressionability, timidity, strong insecurity in himself and his powers.
  6. Psihastenichesky - type of accentuation, characterized by increased suspiciousness, anxiety, endless doubts and habit of analyzing every action for a long time.
  7. Schizoid - the type of accentuation, in which a person is distinguished by increased alienation, introversion, excessive isolation, difficulty in establishing emotional contacts.
  8. Epileptoid - a tendency to an angry-melancholy mood with accumulating aggression, manifested as fits of rage and anger (sometimes with elements of cruelty), conflict, viscosity of thinking , scrupulous pedantry;
  9. The jamming type of character accentuation (paranoia) is a type of accentuation, in which a person is excessively offensive, suspicious, seeks to suppress others and conflicts.
  10. Demonstrative (hysteroid) - type of accentuation, in which a person is different falsity, vanity, increased need for attention of others.
  11. Dysthymic is the type of accentuation, in which a person is constantly in a bad mood, thinking about the sad.
  12. Unstable - the type of accentuation, in which a person is too dependent on the opinions of surrounding people, is too superficial.
  13. Conformal - the type of accentuation, in which a person obeys others, is not capable of critical evaluation of data.

Different sources distinguish different amounts of accentuations, and in many respects this is due to the fact that often there are accentuations of a mixed type, including the features of several similar variants.