Antiseptic ointments

Antiseptic ointments are medicines for external (local) use, which are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes. These drugs are effective against most pathogenic microorganisms, i.e. have a wide range of activities, not showing selectivity. Antiseptic ointments can be used for the skin and mucous membranes.

Effects of antiseptic ointments

These drugs delay the development of microorganisms, affecting the proteins, enzyme systems of microbial cells, or causing their death. As a result, the infection is eliminated, the inflammatory process stops or is prevented and the healing of the lesion occurs as soon as possible.

The activity of antiseptic ointments depends on their concentration, duration of exposure, ambient temperature, the presence of organic substances in the treated medium, the sensitivity of the pathogens of the infection, and so on. Unlike liquid antiseptics, antiseptic ointments are well absorbed and stay in the damaged tissues for a long time, for a long time acting and not over drying the treated surfaces.

Antiseptic ointments - indications for use

Antiseptic ointments are recommended for use in the following cases:

Antiseptic ointments - names

Since among antiseptics several groups of drugs are distinguished depending on the type of chemical compounds, antiseptic ointments for wounds and other injuries can contain various active substances. In addition, often these components are introduced components that have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore the list of antiseptic ointments is wide enough. Here is a list of those drugs that have received the most distribution: