Mount Zion

In the historical center of Jerusalem is Mount Zion, which has great historical significance for the Jewish people. However, the hill is sacred for Christians around the world, because it was here that events took place: the Last Supper, the interrogation of Jesus Christ and the descent of the holy spirit. Mount Zion in Jerusalem and places around it are revered even by Muslims.

Mount Zion Description

The height of the hill is 765 m above sea level. He since the time of the ancient prophets is a reference point for the return of the Jews to the Promised Land. If you describe the mountain from a geographical point of view, it is surrounded on all sides by valleys, in the west stretches the Gijon valley, and in the south - by Ginn. Mount Zion on the map of Jerusalem and in reality borders on the most ancient part of the city. The valley that surrounds the hill from the north and east is fully built up. In addition to modern buildings, one can find here the remains of an ancient city wall dating from the first century of our era. The mountain is also famous for the fact that it houses the Zion Gate and the ancient temple of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin.

Historical value of Mount Zion

About the mountain of Zion knew before the conquest of King David of Jerusalem, only in those days it was under the authority of the Jebusites, who built a fortress on it. After the conquest of the territory by King David, the hill was named Ir-David. Later, under the mountain of Zion, Opel, the Temple Mount, began to be called. By the first century AD, a wall appeared around the territory, which also surrounded Jerusalem on three sides. At the same time, the part that bordered Sion was built first.

Mount Zion as a tourist attraction

Those who go to Israel , Mount Zion is listed in the list of attractions that must be visited. One of the reasons for this is the fact that at its top is the grave of German industrialist Oscar Schindler, who saved many Jews during the Holocaust.

Currently, tourists can see the southern wall of the Old City , which was built by the Ottoman Turks in the 16th century. In the Bible, Mount Zion is mentioned under different names: "the city of David," "the dwelling and house of God," "the royal city of God."

The hill is perceived in a figurative sense, like the entire Jewish people, and its image inspired many poets to create works in Hebrew. The very word "Zion" is used by many Jewish organizations, because it is a symbol of ancient Israel.

The hill, like many other places in Jerusalem, is associated with religion, therefore, not only ordinary travelers, but also pilgrims come here. The Bible says that on Mount Zion King David placed the Ark of the Covenant, and also that Jesus Christ was the last night of his life here. Therefore, to visit Mount Zion is like returning home after a long absence.

The name Zion passed from the homonymous community, which was created by the followers of Jesus in Upper Jerusalem. The hill was just across the road from the city, so the name soon spread to him.

The symbol of Jerusalem was under the rule of both Muslims and European knights. Today it is noticeable from afar, but the hill is depicted everywhere. Mount Zion in Jerusalem, a photo of which can be seen on postcards, souvenirs, one of the revered shrines in the Christian world. Interestingly, there are places on the hill that are equally revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims. As the most daring historians suggest, on the mountain is the tomb of King David. Although the researchers did not confirm this fact, the place is of great interest to tourists and pilgrims.

How to get there?

Where is Mount Zion and how to get there, it will be easy and quick to show any resident of Jerusalem . It will be most convenient to reach it by bus number 38.