Normal postpartum period

Immediately after delivery, women begin the postpartum period, which is no less important than the birth itself. At this time, the woman in need requires careful medical and self-monitoring to prevent the development of complications after childbirth and to survive this period in normal terms.

How long does a normal postpartum period last?

The postpartum period begins with the birth of the placenta and has an average duration of up to 8 weeks after delivery. During this time, the uterus should decrease to normal size, its structure and the inner layer of the endometrium are restored. During this period, the secretory function of the mammary glands begins - from the development of colostrum, to high-grade milk. The work of all organs and systems of a woman that was disturbed by pregnancy (especially kidney work) is restored. The normal postpartum period goes without complications, and its course depends on how the labor was completed, and how the postpartum period itself is conducted.

Early postpartum period, its course, possible complications

Since the birth of the placenta, the woman is several hours under the supervision of a physician: at this moment the uterus starts to contract and the spotting from the birth canal decreases. The earliest and most dangerous complication at this point is bleeding in the postpartum period, which most often arises from the placenta remnants in the uterine cavity or the presence of traumas of the genital tract during childbirth.

After a few hours the probability of bleeding decreases, but the postpartum period after caesarean section requires more careful observation, since bleeding in it occurs not only because of violations of uterine contraction, but because of divergence of sutures on the uterus.

In the next few days, the uterus quickly contracts, and normally bloody discharge and clots are replaced by sucritic secretions (lochia). If the contractions of the uterus are weak, and blood clots accumulate in its cavity, then a microbial infection can join with the occurrence of other severe complications - postpartum endometritis and postpartum sepsis.

Features of the postpartum period is that, in addition to changes in the uterus, changes in the mammary gland begin. In the early days, a thick colostrum appears in them. If there is a violation of its outflow and poor straining, lactostasis is possible with an increase in body temperature, pain and swelling of the chest, which pass after decapitation. But with the infection, another pathology of the postpartum period is possible - mastitis, which requires appropriate medical treatment. Prophylaxis of mastitis in the postpartum period is, first of all, preventing breast milk stagnation during the postpartum period and personal hygiene with a mandatory daily shower, washing the breast with warm water and soap up to 2 times a day.

With improper feeding, many women may have painful nipple cracks that require proper care. And another possible problem on the part of the mammary glands is hypogalactia (milk is not produced enough to feed the baby), prevention of which can become a full-fledged diet of the woman and regular expression of milk.

Other postpartum complications include postpartum depression, inflammatory diseases of the vulva, varicose veins of the hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis of the legs and pelvis, neurological disorders from the sacral plexus.

How does the postpartum period after cesarean section?

The physiology of childbirth and the postpartum period in cesarean section has its own peculiarities: the placenta is completely removed, but postnatal endometritis is more often due to a violation of the contractile capacity of the uterus and stagnation of blood or lousy in its cavity. Postpartum period after caesarean section can be complicated by the consequences of anesthesia, and infectious inflammation in the area of ​​the suture on the uterus or abdominal wall, peritonitis, intoxication syndrome due to impaired fecundity in the postpartum period.

Late postpartum period, its course, possible complications

The duration of the early postpartum period from the moment of placenta retreat to 8-12 days after delivery, and from 2 to 8 weeks after the placenta, a late postpartum period occurs. During this period, the recovery of the uterine mucosa continues, milk is produced for the child. Complications in this period will most often be a continuation of the complications of the early period, although postpartum mastitis may occur at any time - due to violations of personal hygiene rules and improper application of the child.