Went off the water - what to do?

Ambulatory water, or amniotic fluid - is the environment of the child, providing him with normal conditions for life.

The color and volume of amniotic fluid can be used to judge the course of pregnancy and the state of the fetus, and the pattern of fluid withdrawal is predicted by the scenario of development of labor.

Let us consider in more detail how to determine that the waters have moved away, and what to do in each particular case.

Amniotic fluid can go away at different stages of labor and in different volumes. Ideally, the fetal bladder bursts, and there is an outflow of water with regular bouts and opening the neck by 4 cm or more. However, often the passage of water becomes the first signal of the onset of childbirth. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the volume and color of the amniotic fluid. It is from this that the subsequent actions of the pregnant woman will depend.

When to give birth, if the waters are gone?

All women during pregnancy are interested in the question of what to do if the water has passed unnoticed. But, as a rule, this process does not remain unnoticed.

Complete discharge on the last terms of pregnancy with nothing not to mix up - this is a fairly large amount of water and the first sign that until the cherished meeting there are only a few hours. How much time there is to collect after the waters are fully discharged depends on their color. The permissible anhydrous period with a clear liquid and absence of fights is about 12 hours. If the discharged waters were greenish , or even worse - brown, or pink, every minute may turn out to be decisive.

There may be difficulties in how to determine that the waters have moved away if they depart gradually. This happens when the rupture of the bladder occurs too high. The water flows out in small portions and can really be confused with the usual discharge or incontinence. At the slightest suspicion of leakage of amniotic fluid, it is necessary to consult a doctor or doing special test. Since even the most insignificant leakage can be dangerous for the child.

In any case, when the pregnant woman has left the water, staying at home is already unsafe, unless, of course, the prospect of giving birth at home does not please you. Childbirth can begin in a few hours, and in a few days. However, doctors usually do not allow anhydrous period to last more than 12-24 hours, since the probability of infection of the fetus is high. The same applies to those women who have run out of cork and leaking water.