Royal Begonia

The begonias genus includes over a thousand different species of plants. One of them is the royal begonia, a flower, which in the 18th century was named in honor of the Dominican plant collector Begon. In retirement the royal begonia is fastidious and justifies its "royal" name. She does not like direct sunlight, but the room must be bright. The best option is half-shadow or diffuse light. Heat and cold for begonias are fatal, so the temperature should be between 15-20 degrees. If the temperature drops two degrees below normal, the flower will die.

Optimal conditions

The most difficult thing in caring for begonia-queen is to provide adequate watering. Moisture, of course, the plant likes, but its excess leads to the appearance of mold and rotting roots. In summer, the substrate in the pot should be slightly moist, and in winter it should be allowed to dry it slightly between waterings. It is better to use warm, dewatered and lightly acidified water.

The necessary humidity level can be ensured by placing the pot with the flower in moist peat. When spraying, which should be done in the summer twice a day, try to avoid getting water on the leaves. Note that dry air will lead to the fall of buds, which did not have time to open, but too wet - to decay. If possible, grow begonia in a pot installed on a pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

Royal begonias prefer a soil with normal acidity. The most suitable substrate is a nutrient mixture of humus, turf and leaf soils with the addition of coniferous soil and river sand. Twice a year the pet can be fed with special mineral fertilizers, but without them, with proper care, she will feel comfortable.


Most often the reproduction of royal begonia is carried out with the help of stem cuttings. You can propagate the plant and seeds, and leaves (even their parts), and the division of the bush. If the seeds and leaves can be difficult to reproduce, then the cutting should be separated with a sharp knife into parts 3-4 cm long and simply planted in the soil to start the development of the root system. If the substrate is warm at the same time, the rooting will accelerate.

Germination of begonia is low enough, and young shoots are very demanding on the conditions of detention. Often from two dozen seeds, only 4-5 grow, later half of them die.


It is best to transplant the royal begonia in the spring. This is necessary in order to maintain the decorative nature of the plant. In the close pot, the leaves of your beauty will lose their brightness, they will crumble. The process of transplantation is simple: carefully transfer the plant excavated with a clod of soil to a pot with a renewed substrate, pour well. Note that after a transplant the bush should be lightly shaved.

Pests and diseases

Is sick begonia with insufficient care often and in severe form. Often the plant is attacked by thrips and shields , less often - spider mites . How to care for a room royal begonias in this case? First, manually remove all visible pests, as well as damaged parts of the begonia, if possible. Secondly, isolate the infected begonia from the neighbors on the windowsill. To treat the plant, use a water-soap solution, which must be treated with the whole plant. If this method proved ineffective, you will have to resort to insecticides. In time, the begun treatment of begonia is a pledge of quick healing of the pet.