Streptocarpus from seeds

Cultivation by the seed method is the most complex and long-term process. It should also take into account the fact that with this multiplication varietal characteristics are kept quite rare. But many growers prefer this type of reproduction: there is always the possibility of obtaining unexpected coloring or new varietal features.

How to grow a streptocarpus from seeds?

The work will be painstaking, but uncomplicated. For reproduction of streptocarpus seeds, it is important to select a quality planting material. If there is a possibility to plant newly harvested seeds, then the germination capacity will be much higher.

Consider step by step the process of growing streptocarpuses from seeds.

  1. For the planting of streptocarpuses, plastic transparent trays with lids are perfect. In the lids make holes for ventilation.
  2. Pour perlite or vermiculite on the bottom of the container. Moisturize this layer.
  3. As a primer for streptocarpuses we will use a special substrate in tablets.
  4. Tablets are placed in a container and filled with warm (necessarily boiled) water. After a time, take out the swollen tablets and squeeze out excess water. As a result, the soil must remain slightly moist. We remove the mesh and put it into the container for disembarkation.
  5. When growing streptocarpuses from seeds, it is important to consider one rule: never pour a layer of soil from above. Simply pour out the planting material evenly over the soil surface and that's it. Only seeds can penetrate seeds when exposed to light.
  6. Cover the lid with ventilation holes and put it in a bright place.
  7. In the process of reproduction of streptocarpus from seeds, always monitor the condition of the tray. Periodically it needs to be opened and ventilated. In about a week or two, the first shoots will appear.
  8. A month after the landing, you can make the first pick. If you planted seeds very thickly, it is better to prepare another container, otherwise you can just sit down in the old one.
  9. In about nine months, your seedlings will blossom.

Features of growing streptocarpus from seeds

This process is long, but incredibly fascinating. Try to keep the temperature between 21-25 ° C. Humidify the soil for streptocarpuses can only be using a spray gun, since the shoots are very small and brittle.

After you find the first two real sheets, it's time to change the soil. We sprout sprouts in a more nutritious soil: a mixture of three parts of peat, one part of perlite and vermiculite, as well as two parts of sphagnum moss and leaf land. Then we just provide all the necessary conditions and enjoy the bloom.