Moss in indoor colors are the most effective methods of fighting

To create a comfortable environment for green pets, the adherents of home floriculture are ready to go a long way: buy expensive fertilizers, special phytolamps , regularly rotate pots around their axis and defend water for days to water. But even the most tremulous care does not always guarantee protection from the appearance of midges in indoor colors.

Why do moths appear in indoor flowers?

Traditionally, the appearance of extraneous animals in flower pots is fixed during the off-season, when the florists do not have time to restructure and switch to a new regime for watering their pets. As a result, the soil is overmoistened, thereby creating ideal conditions for reproduction of various midges. It should be noted that in most cases insects prevent living not only the plants themselves, but also their owners, spoiling the appearance of the dwelling and getting into cups and plates.

So, a problem is found out - in the room colors mice were planted, what to do and how to get rid of uninvited guests? Struggling against them will require a systematic approach to the floriculture, perseverance and integrated approach, because even insecticide treatment of the above-ground part of the plant can not guarantee that the larvae of pests have not remained in the soil. The main preventive measure against midges in indoor colors is strict adherence to the drinking regime of plants and avoidance of stagnant water in pots.

Small white gnats on indoor flowers

Externally reminiscent of a moth, but many times smaller, small white gnats on indoor flowers are nothing more than a whitefly . Adult individuals lay eggs on the juicy leaves of house plants, so that the larvae hatched from them can easily eat nutritious cell sap. As a result, discolored spots appear on the leaves, the leaves shrivel and fall off. Large colonies of whitefly can in a short time devastate the entire home greenhouse.

Black midges on indoor flowers

Similar to fruit flies, black small midges in indoor colors are called sciarids or mushroom mosquitoes. Their appearance in the apartment is a sure sign that somewhere a source of dampness has formed. Adult sseridids do not harm plants, but their larvae pose a serious threat to embedded and decaying roots. Plant infection with cyanide can occur both by air and through poorly treated soil.

Flying midges in indoor colors

It also happens that the flower pots become the habitat of fruit flies or fruit flies. This is the most harmless kind of Simuliidae, which does not harm plants or humans, bringing only psychological discomfort to the latter. If the drosophila are found in the flower of the flower, it is necessary to deprive them of all possible sources of food (rotting vegetables, fruits, tea leaves, coffee, etc.), and then destroy all adults using traps or a conventional vacuum cleaner.

Soil gnat in room colors

Earthen midges in indoor colors are called stalks or sub-tails. The length of their body varies from 0.2 to 1 mm, and any energizer would envy - most of the day they jumped busily from leaf to leaf, scurrying along the surface of the soil, populating it with their larvae. If you look at the surface of the earth in the pot you can see the accumulation of these small insects.

To adult healthy plants, soil gnats in room colors are not terrible. They even play an important role, participating in the process of organic decomposition and saturating the soil with oxygen. Larvae living in flower pots, spreading fungi, pathogens and eating up rotten roots, are dangerous only for sunken or sick flowers.

Folk remedies from midges in indoor flowers

A flower grower should understand that if there are midges in indoor flowers, and especially flying midges, there is a high probability that soon the attack will spread throughout the home flower garden. And although adults do not gnaw the leaves and drink plant juice, they lay eggs, from which voracious larvae hatch. Noticing the midges twirling around the green pet, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures: to remove excess moisture, to treat with insecticides and transplant into uncontaminated soil.

Let's consider in detail how to deduce midges from indoor flowers:

  1. Step 1 - adjust the humidity. Starting to fight with midges is only meaningful after the top layer of soil in the pot dries out at least 2 cm.
  2. Step 2 - open the hunt for adult insects. To do this, we use purchased or homemade (yellow paper coated with honey) velcro tape or a normal vacuum cleaner.
  3. Step 3 - destroy the larvae in the soil. The simplest, but at the same time requiring a monetary and time-consuming method - to transplant the plant into a new pot of clean earth. But with a small scale of defeat to combat the larvae, it makes sense to use one of the improvised means: ammonia, match gray, garlic, manganese, vinegar, tobacco, etc.

Ammoniacal alcohol from midges on indoor flowers

An excellent option than to treat indoor flowers from midges - available in any medicine chest ammonia. Dissolve 50 grams of ammonia in 4 liters of water and get a wonderful tool 2-in-1 - mosquito repeller in indoor colors and nitrogen fertilizer. It can be used to treat the aerial part of the flowers from the atomizer and to destroy adult animals, as well as for root dressings and simultaneous destruction of pests and eggs of pests. Repeat spraying can be done at intervals of 7-10 days until a sustainable effect is achieved.

Manganese from midges in flowers

Another tool that helps not only to get rid of unpleasant flying lodgers, but also significantly strengthen the green pets - potassium permanganate. To prevent harm to the delicate root system of plants, potassium permanganate is used from the midges in flowers, a solution that has a gently pink color. This concentration is sufficient to stop the putrefactive processes and leave pests without food. To achieve the effect, the plant is watered at least twice, giving each time the ground in the pot thoroughly dry.

Acetic acid from midges on home colors

Forever to brew from the house bred in house colors of midges, will help the usual vinegar. Dilute 1 teaspoon of table or apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of pure water and get an effective remedy than to poison the midges in flowers. In addition to the insecticide, the acetic solution has another useful effect - the leaves of plants after such treatment acquire a healthy shine and gloss. A vinegar solution can be used for protective spraying or prophylactically wiping them with leaves of indoor flowers.

Tobacco from midges in flowers

Effective and inexpensive remedy against midges in flowers - tobacco. Its pungent smell repels insects and prevents them from laying eggs. You can use tobacco in two ways. In the first case, the soil in the pot is gently loosened, and then a layer of tobacco is laid on its surface. In the second one, an infusion is prepared, pouring 40 grams of raw material with 1 liter of boiling water and after cooling, water the soil in the affected pots. This product has a strong smell, so it does not fit all the florists.

Cinnamon from midges in indoor flowers

As is known, the midges in room colors feed on rotting organics. Leave them without food, slowing the putrefactive processes, will help the ordinary cinnamon. Like tobacco, it can be used to pour the surface of the soil and as a solution. If you are looking for watering indoor flowers from midges, and while significantly improving the overall atmosphere in the home, then there is nothing better than cinnamon, which has a pleasant scent and stimulating effect.

The preparation from midges in indoor flowers

In the case where no home remedy does not allow you to achieve the desired result and despite all the watering, traps and spraying of midges in indoor colors do not disappear anywhere, it is time to start up "heavy artillery" - purchased insecticides. Disinfect the flowers with maximum effect and minimal harm to all living in the house will help a toxic greenhouse. Proceed as follows in the following sequence:

  1. Allow the top layer of soil in the pot to dry thoroughly and gently loosen it.
  2. Put the flower pot into a strong plastic bag of the size that, after tying between the walls of the bag and the leaves of the plant, an air cushion remained. To fix the bag in the correct position, you can use the straps and tape.
  3. Spray on the surface of the soil and the inner walls of the package the selected remedy for midges in indoor colors: Dichlorvos, Raptor, Neo, Raid, Aktara, Karbafos or others.
  4. Carefully tie the bag and leave for 6-8 hours, then remove the pot from the toxic greenhouse and water the plant.